Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Let's see her actually fly in those heals...

Aaaaaawwwwwww! Kittens.......

I've been on at least 4 AA flights in the last couple of weeks... You can keep your phone on!

What? No dub step on the videos...? Really? No, Really, Thank you!

I agree... While this is foolish and dangerous, a lengthy prison sentence seems a bit like overreacting to me. (my opinion as a citizen as well as a pilot)

About 10 years ago I flew on Barjaya from Singapore to Pulao Tioman. The seats we're wooden, the pilots were drunk (not kiddin'... They came on board last, and were stumbling through the cabin) and when the engines started up, smoke came in through the ventilation system. So in short, I nominate Berjaya Air

Here's a reply from my CFI, CFII, MEI buddy:

Part 141. Google it!

Dude, I did my flight training in 2011. I guarantee you that did not forget the syllabus requirements or the events that happened. In fact my flight training got delayed by almost a month because we couldn't complete the cross country night flight into KSNA due to marine layer.

During flight training you are required to do a night time flight into a Class C or Class B airport. I did mine into John Wayne International, sequenced in between two 737's (very exciting). While I don't believe that the pilot was a student pilot, you could argue that he was performing proficiency training and the

I'm very liberal, anti guns, pro free healthcare and education and very much grateful to anyone going to war and thereby putting their life at risk to prevent extremists from detonating suicide bombs in our streets.

In other news: Bernie supports reverse glasnost and wants the cold war back!

I was given so much shit for supporting our troops in a post yesterday... But reading this, this makes it all worth it!!!

I didn't expect most of the comments to side with the flight attendant... We should be grateful for the sacrifice our soldiers make to preserve our freedom. Hanging his jacket would have been a small and kind gesture... Policy or not!


Here's the check in rules for domestic and international flights:

Sports and Politics do not mix, a custom that the Catholic church should introduce with priests and alter boys!!!!

Well, if you look at my original post it was only regarding the flight data and voice recorders and not the ELT.

That looks like NAS Coronado in San Diego... Is that at festival of speed?

It is a sad day when the Germans refuse to go to war...