With tow planes and wing walkers the forces on the aircraft are static. Once the banner is out, power can be adjusted and the pilot can easily maintain a stable equilibrium in flight.
With tow planes and wing walkers the forces on the aircraft are static. Once the banner is out, power can be adjusted and the pilot can easily maintain a stable equilibrium in flight.
I don't think that yawing would affect a stall much, unless airspeed is decreased more than the -20 knots mentioned above (which could happen if the yaw initiated a forward slip without the pilot increasing throttle or pitching down)... A spin is a form of stall which means that the airflow over the wing is…
Is there any airspace not governed by the FAA in the US?
The short answer is Yes! Stall speed on a C-172 is 36 knots in landing configuration (full flaps) and 44 knots in clean configuration (no flaps)... You would use a clean configuration in this instance as the flaps would add undesired drag.
I'm also worried about parasite drag... Let's say you use a C-172 for this, you would have cruise at at least 70 - 80 Knots to stay below stall speed in the event the wingboard would create additional drag from maneuvers that would decrease airspeed by more than 20 knots.
Sounds a little crazy, but also fun... However there is no way the FAA will ever approve this for part 91 or 135! Never ever ever ever ever ever!!! Sadly!
Yo Mama's so ugly only Walter White would take her for a ride!!!!
That looks scary... Just a seat and a stick!
Jason, I agree 100%. I'm a pilot and I would never have any aspirations to buy a plane that is also a car or a car that is also a plane for that matter.
I'm seriously considering canceling my /DRIVE+ subscription... I'll give it one more month, but at this point I don't feel that I get much out of it!
How about getting the software from a plane already parked at a gate?
Mini Unimog...
The days of naturally aspirated engines are over... Thank emission requirements for that!!!
The French... They just want to give you appines. They want what? To give me a penis, Noooooo thank you, I'm happy with the one I've got!
Déjà vu... Has the content of this article not been posted within Gawker before?
FastLane Daily is part of the /DRIVE Network????
SL's have had that body shape since early 90's with minor changes... A proven concept, except for this time they screwed up the headlights.
I always let people merge in. When I do I feel like a better person, and guess what... So does the people you let in: "Thanks bud, that's nice of you".
Si Senor!