Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

You're right... The timing could have been better. Being launched simultaneously with the P1 and the 918 definitely reduced the grandiosity of the introduction. But to say that the Ferrari LaFerrari (ridiculous name doesn't help either) is anything but a masterpiece would be an understatement, and every test I've seen

I had the 135i Convertible and loved it... This one looks even better!

Reaching that level of alcoholism (I'm guessing that day drinking to that level on a school day can only be related to regular abuse of alcohol) at such a young age is just sad... Poor girl!

The lightning in volcanic eruptions are caused by different forces than in regular clouds. "Dirty Lightning" is caused by the friction of particles in the air causing a particle charge!

Now playing

It seems every other aviation video now features this song, since Air Tahiti introduced it in theirs?

That's it... I'm heading out to get seafood!!! Yummy!

A bit silly and disrespectful to the car if you ask me!

Since when can you not buy an Elise in the US?

There... Fixed that headline for you!

Your're not being rude, you just seem to lack the empathy and understanding that everyone's life can not be as simple as yours... Life is just not that easy... Job, work permits, financial obligations etc. doesn't always give you that choice on where to live!

I can't speak for other people but in my case, I live in the US and the mother lives in Europe so we really don't have a choice...

I don't disagree with you per se, but being a parent that quite frequently fly's long haul flights with my kids, it is absolutely impossible to have a small child sit still for 10 hours.

It seems to me that EVO gets worse 0-60 times than other test crews on every test... The runway looks to have good traction so I wonder why that is?

Isn't that how McConaughey always sounds?

The one and only...

FAR AIM in pretty clear on supplemental oxygen supply. Above 12500 ft you're required to have oxygen supply if you remain at that altitude for more than 30 min. Above 14000 ft you're required to use continuous oxygen supply.

The worst thing about owning a Miata is having to tell your parents that you're gay!

Luckily I'm in Europe right now and have already watched the race, but I would have been pissed had I been back in Socal where it hasn't aired yet!

Billy Bob's Texas at the Stockyards in Ft. Worth... For $30 they'll let you ride a real bull (only on Fridays and Saturdays). Sadly I was there on a Wednesday...