Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Pacific Beach, Mission Bay, Ocean Beach, Gaslamp District, Coronado Island, Point Loma, La Jolla, Hillcrest, North Park, Balboa Park, Golden Hill, Little Italy, Del Mar, Encinitas... The list goes on with unique neighborhoods. And the best of it all is that it only takes about 15 minutes to get to any of those places

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One crazy dude managed to open up a door in mid flight and fell out.

It's a Boxster, not a 911. You can tell by the vents and the 3 cluster instruments (911 has 5).

If that's a woman then she carries a very impressive 5 o'clock shadow and masculine voice... The female voice you hear is ATC.

There are plenty of great places in L.A. but getting to them is a pain! (there are also hundreds of square miles of city landscape without personality) But I guess I'm spoiled, living in San Diego... ;)

Really great perspective, but more than once the film would cut just when it got to something interesting (Kinda annoyed me)... Having said that, it almost made me like a city that I try to avoid by all means, especially by car!

There is no legal counsel, that's why he stated that he blind copied them. No actual email to copy to.


When you're doing a survey, but only include data from customers that are already buying the product, the true value of the data becomes questionable!

A top ten of public transportation systems without Hong Kong and Copenhagen is scandalous!

Honestly Andrew,

This is the light rail and metro system only... Pretty incredible for a city with only 1.5 million people!

Copenhagen has a impressive public transportation infrastructure. Most buses run every 3 - 5 minutes and has a display at every bus stop that tells you when the next bus arrives. The driver-less Metro runs 24/7, most of the day in 3 minute intervals and for those who needs to get to the suburbs, the light rail system

If Voyager is 121.7 AU away from the sun, then it has only traveled 16.8 light hours at this point.

Sooo... How many times have you been to Monaco, Doug?

Nice try but... No!

Greenpeace has really been a sad shadow of itself, pretty much since Rainbow Warrior!

True... But since air travel is used less frequently than the automobile you get an (irrational) that could have been me feeling! I was also onboard an identical 777 when MH17 was shot down, and I was on another 777 just days before MH370... Oh God, maybe it's all connected to me????? /joking!

Damn, I just flew on one of those with my two boys (different airline)... Sure makes you think!