Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

I think you should have done a little more investigative journalism before posting such a bold statement in the headline.

I always walk through it at the Miramar Air Show... Never fails to impress me how big and complex this thing is!

Damn, that video was god awful and tacky... You have one of the most exciting cars in the world on a great track, and this is what you decide to do? Really?

There is no way an American President will ever have a plane that is not produced in the US. It just sends the wrong signal politically. I honestly don't think that they're considering the 777 twin engine setup because of the vulnerability of only having two engines. Yes, I know that the 777 can fly on one engine, but

Hey, if gay's your way, that's ok!

Six pack is already in my belly...

Even with the blurred face I can tell that that sheila has a face like 50 miles of bad roads and the China has a few roos loose in the top paddock!!!!

Oh boy Matty... I have no words! Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude!

A polar bear will do just fine!

Carson too... Ratings don't lie!

No he shouldn't... Fallon is Phenomenal!!! Better than Carson and Leno and infinitely better than Conan!!!

In 1999 I was on an Air Canada long haul flight when a flight attendant (A wingman... Literally!!!) helped me land a 25 year old Canadian girl and let me use his sleeping quarters... It's a long story with a long list of events starting right after going through security that made it possible, but to this day I still

As a Dane living in the US, the Corvette team should be an easy choice to favor, but I'm having a hard time ignoring the Porsche fanboy in me!

yeah, but the guy on the right is Danish (who's son rides in Formula One)!!!

I think that's a very diplomatic way of saying it...

Oh sarcasm... You've found another victim! :-)

If that girl was my girlfriend, I would try to get us both killed as well! Death by race track!

She can be my wingman any time!

That hit right in the good old ticker!!! Thank god we have people who care, who has the ability to change peoples life's, even if it's only one family! Faith in mankind restored... At least for a little while!