Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Actually a Chargers fan myself... A friend in Europe (who is a Seahawks fan) asked me to get it, so I took the picture and sent it to him to confirm the purchase (I don't normally take selfies)...

I'm surprised no-one mentioned the yellow accents on the Aventador! Way to make a $400K supercar look douchy, brah!

Jay Leno wears nothing but denim shirts!!!! And I wore a denim shirt just the other day... Proof below:

The Hummer H1 Owners Club... Just about the most welcoming and friendly bunch out there!!!!

Came to post that exact story, which I find even more impressive...

Even a Garmin G600 features TAWS these days, what's so special about this new system by Honeywell?

I hope it's not grounded to the ground!!!

What I really wanna know is, can I get shitfaced, get in my Google self-driving car and drive home without the risk of getting a DUI? Technically I've got a designated driver!!!

I got to pick myself... OK, San Diego it is then!!!!

I was born in Denmark, moved to the US as an adult... Never moving back!

In their defense, he didn't hypnotize them to like the brand. He hypnotized them not to be able to distinguish what brand they were driving thus giving them a fresh perspective! But you're right... Most commercials are crap!

The burnout video was shot somewhere in Europe. The crosswalk sign gave it away.

I hate to say it, but I'll be surprised if they'll be anything but an embarrassment on the F1 circuit...

Newton's Third Law definitely is a contributing factor to making an aircraft fly, but Bernoulli's Principle is the main component of creating lift.

But what is soy milk is just ordinary milk introducing itself in Spanish?

Actually contract negotiations are rarely about pricing, it's about terms and conditions.
Payment terms, MDF, SOR, Volume discounts etc.

I'm not saying you would pay for it, I'm just saying they're charging for the feed... Besides, with the kind of beaver I was talking about, the camera is pointing at the beaver, not mounted on it!

Be nice to the kid, he's probably new in here!

I'm sure there are plenty of Russian beaver-cam's available. It's live action 24/7 but make sure you have your credit card ready!

Been to Doe's, it was great. HUGE steaks! Might be in town next week... Will try to make it by Greenhouse!