Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

And that's why women can't drive in UAE! Thanks selfie!!!!

The story about how Enzo met with Pinin Farina and his son Sergio on neutral grounds to form a partnership that has now lasted over 1/2 a century.

So it's just throttle and weapons, right? No steering?


Is it me or does that BMW Z4 just seem to go faster than everyone else?

Click it or ticket!!! Or as Eddie Money would say: Two Tickets to Paradise!!!!

Let's not exaggerate, shall we... Based on history across the model ranges, a GTS4 and GTS4 Cab is highly unlikely

Now playing

Danny is amazing. Check out his Imaginate video below if you haven't seen it before.

If you notice a resemblance to the SAS 747 I posted further down, it was because Thai bought some 747's from SAS in the 70's and only partially repainted them... Even kept the same font!

Here's the original, followed by the livery used from the 70's to 90's and the current colors

SAS has one of my favorite retro liveries... And all their planes have VIKING as Surnames, how awesome is that? Meet Christian Valdemar Viking, a classic A-319! Notice the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian flags on the tail with the royal crowns on top symbolizing SAS being a pan-Scandinavian company... This livery was

Soooo much awesome!

There are only two things worse than a Firenado: A Sharknado and a Honey-Badgernado... Because Honey Badgers don't give a shit!!!!

If you look closely you'll see a small twin turbo prop fly overhead before the tanker. That's a spotter plane who instructs the tanker on where to drop their load.

1983 BMW 3 series lost in one of the San Diego fires...

American have stepped up their game considerably in the last few years with new planes, better service and the best loyalty program in the business... I fly a lot and I go out of my way to fly AA. Well done American, well done!!!

No helmet?

If giving financial support to potential political allies is villainy, then I have some grave news for you....

No one can beat the British though, who have invaded all but 8 countries in the world at some point... But at least they have done it in public!

Flight attendants can be male or female, so can pursers... Stewards are male, stewardesses are female.