Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

The order log of the 737 is just staggering... You don't see on a daily basis how big the commercial aviation industry is but the fact that Boeing have almost 50% of what the total production has been since 1967 on order, is just unbelievable and a testament to how much air-travel is growing globally.

I'm sorry, but isn't Chris Harris on Cars supposed to come out every Wednesday?

I'm pretty sure they're announcing a 30th anniversary edition which will be available in frosted marina blue...

If knowing that failure is the most likely scenario is discouraging terrorists from trying then that's just fine by me... If you bring a bomb on a plane and detonate it, your ABC is not going to matter. Knowing that you're not getting that bomb through security will...

Zero attacks since 9/11 seems like a pretty good track record to me...
I fly a lot... At least once a week and more than 100.000 miles a year, so I'm quite familiar with the TSA and the fact is that 99% of them are people, trying to do their job, keeping you safe!!! There is that 1% who are assholes but then, what

Sounds like a solid plan to me...

Thank god I'm not marrying that woman!!!!

You don't have to drive it anywhere, so sitting in it is not necessary... Just call a car-glass company and they will come to you! Easy peasy!

TFR's are quite common at major sports events... Had you tried to overfly Metlife Stadium during the Super Bowl ((R)NFL) you would been reduced to small pieces of debris as well.
I had a flight about a month ago that took me within 1 mile of a presidential TFR in a plane only equipped with VOR's... Sweaty. Palms!

Talk about an Elmo I'd like to tickle...

I would have bought it, if you had called him Phillip, George or Richard... But Brad is only ok if you had replaced the Range Rover with a Chevy or Ford truck!

you apparently missed the /joking part... Or just read too much into to things and/or you're a jerk!

... and in English, now I think about it lol!

Those "two ours"... Was hours spelled without H because it is silent in Spanish, Jesus?

Some airports (although typically smaller) also have VASI instead of PAPI... Red over white, you're alright!!!

Some minor inaccuracies in the graph, but probably good enough for anyone who wants a basic understanding but hopefully never have to navigate an airport.

The Murciélago has not been made since 2010 and can therefore not be "brand new".

talk about hitting a wall...

We have two of them hanging around San Diego bay all the time... three if you count USS Midway (which is a carrier, but not Nimitz calss)