Nick Dina

Um, same sexes hold hands in several countries around the world. A big one would be India. But I am glad there is finally a country that has nothing better to do than ban stupid shit who isn't the US. So there's that.

Reports of punches, pulled. NCAA investigates.

Who's gonna be the first to draw the line between California and their trees t0 liberals and taking everything too far? Be creative please.

The best thing about NASCAR donuts is they don't go stale after just a few days. You can enjoy those delicious Os of fried rubber goodness for days and days. Can we start calling standing burnouts donuts holes?

There are some posts on the internet that I wish I could tag for precision munition strikes. "Weapons free"!

This is wonderful. May your enemies be torn apart by 526 wild horses. And whatever number of torques those horses bring with them.

No, sir. I said DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB!

Dude was out of a job for like months. He obviously couldn’t maintain a complete shave at current razor prices. So whoever was supposed to tell him about Dollar Shave Club dropped the ball. And I guess that sadly means he doesn't visit Jalopnik enough. Dollar Shave Club!

Well I might have to disagree. I am assuming that at this point someone appointed by Reagan really only cares about hitting the early bird special at Golden Corral and will do whatever it takes to be first in that soft-serve line.

I am sad that I don't find this car attractive. Don't get me wrong — I'd get all up in it, but I wouldn't let it sleep in the driveway.

I can't even. Now I feel odd.

Or maybe a roach for each wheel? And another to drive accessories?

Well I guess he decided not to get a shave with that hair cut. I imagine it’s because Amazon has not cut these guys a check yet so I’ll let it slide. Police that moustache, mister.


Hmmm, I think I might prefer rotating roaches as opposed to one lasting 20 years. I don't know why, but I feel a little better about torturing many versus just the one for so long.

How often do I have to replace the roach? And does this mean my vehicle would be drivable during/after a nuclear winter?

Honestly, during October I half to expect the team to trot out in the pink uniforms with a Final Notice stamped on their helmets to then never be heard from again.

To clarify — is it a million dollars worth with or without that $500k coin included? And is that value assigned as the price of gold or will each coin be sold independently after being graded? And has Two Chains put a bid in on that gold chain yet?

Hello there viewers — this is your Buffalo evening news. Tonight’s top story — paint dries as watched pot fails to boil. And after the break — we return with our feel good story of the summer — the snow pile that wouldn't quit.

I still kind feel like the Challenger looks like a gym rat that always skips leg day. Don't get me wrong I would take any made prior to or after this one, but it's in my mind and I can't shake it.