
At the height of the F1 Turbo era, BMW’s 1.5L Turbo was making around 1200 bhp on 80 psi of boost. That was in qualifying tune for Benneton in 1986.

It’s nuts to think that the previous record for speed on a public roadway was only 10mph slower but that it occurred nearly 80 years prior.

1,160 horsepower 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8

Goes 278mph, curbs it while parking .

Heat transmitted from going that speed hazed the clearcoat would be my guess, but I’m no expert.

I don’t think anyone is demanding 100% altruism from car salesmen, just enlightened self interest. Sell to people who can afford to buy. Treat customers with respect. Make it a great experience. Get referrals and repeat business. Make lots of money. Everyone can win.

I think what they mean is someone that might be able to put down a down payment but might not be able to make the monthly payments. So they could technically make the sale even if the person wont be able to make the payments 4 months down the road.

Really long days and kids that probably don’t talk to him.

I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!

This Girard guy sounds like an absolute lunatic who probably should have been institutionalized decades ago. Burying a copy of your W-2 over your old boss’ casket is not the indication of a well mind.

The people using this post to make smug proclamations (about a Tesla cutting someone and imprisoning their glovebox contents after a 60mph crash) strike me as the same people in the Louis CK bit about wifi in airplanes. It’s akin to complaining about the lack of AC in your model T. Give it a minute! They’ve pulled off

You mean like every aircraft and auto and product manufacturer on the planet?No company can test for every possible scenario. It’s unfair to make that statement. Accessing insurance documents is not exactly a safety issue is it? Why not take a pix of your insurance document and keep it on your phone?

These aren’t exactly lethal airbags or excessive rollovers. They’re minor improvements that they don’t even have to make, but are.

There’s a star man waiting in the sky

You want a faster horse, is what you’re saying?

This is every manufacturer of every product.

I wonder if there’s anything else that could be used to open a glove box? Like a mechanical linkage that may be operated manually? Have any other manufacturers done such a thing?

Me watching the car approach the building:

Wow. He aimed for the highest roofline in sight; lower ones were to the right and left. I wish them a speedy recovery, and then maybe find a different hobby. Stamp collecting leaps to mind.