Is it a blue Maestro with a black interior, or a white Maestro with a gold interior?
As always, fuck Quentin Tarrentino. It’s amazing how his fanboys are incapable of separating his good films from the giant asshole he is.
What a stupid thing for Tarantino to argue with his star actress over. He should have flown in a well-qualified vintage VW mechanic and his/her crew to have that car checked over and repaired to Thurman’s satisfaction before asking her to drive it at speed.
I’ve always had a thing for Volgas. Underpowered, equipped worse than an American compact from the same era, and totally outdated technologically, but stoutly built, solid cars and the styling does give them a presence.
Brezhnev, in particular, had a rather extensive personal car collection with a number of British, French, West German, and American models.
So the Japanese meticulously copied American design and shrunk it down to work on smaller cars.
but if someone actually drove an ElDorado through Red Square during the Cold War, they might as well hand in their Party membership card start wearing an “I Love Ronald Reagan” shirt. Nobody wants to do that.
Dunno about the i3, but I do remember being in a parking lot that had an EV charging station, and some dude with a Leaf came up and asked me to give him a jump because his battery had died, so he couldn’t get the battery charger door open to plug the car in. That struck me as an appallingly stupid design.
I’m the idiot with a computer connected to at least one large hi-fi system.
Yeah, would have been quite straightforward, but I kept reading about folks having theirs warp and leak. This one was cheap, and had good reviews.
I’m getting concerned. This is the second article I’ve read in a week stating middling performance from a car with what years ago would have been big power numbers. The other article was, I think, the Lincoln Continental.
Well put.
Many will be tempted to get caught up in the critique (pos or neg) of life choices, but really, the underlying message here is how much it uplifts the spirit when people act selflessly towards another. We all need to know someone cares about us in the world.
Groceries are what Kristen sends her butler to get while she’s caviar tasting on her yacht.
Who are you and what did you do to Fancy Kristen? She would never go to an establishment that didn’t have the finest bags for groceries. The place you went didn’t have bags at all.
My dealer orders as few T5s as Volvo Corporate will allow. They just don’t sell well. T6 all the way with a few T8s here and there. I neer use Pilot Assist. I will give Volvo some credit though. When PA with came out it was limited to 35MPH. They offered an update to full highway speeds for a few hundred dollars. Not…
This wasn’t meant to be a glamorous trip. There would be no ice driving nor desert off-roading. I was about to…