Interesting that she died on March in "march forth" (it struck me because that's the date my divorce was finalized :op )
Interesting that she died on March in "march forth" (it struck me because that's the date my divorce was finalized :op )
Bah, I was going to guess Hurley, MI. My folks have a place in Bessemer.
I had a wonderful, sweet Rottie too. One night I woke up and he was sitting in the doorway to my office, hackles raise, growling.
We're fine with France as a nation, it's just those snooty French people that bug us.
I don't suppose that while the authorities are "saving" children, they checked the "provenance" of the couple's other, non-blonde kids?
Because I'm an old, my favorite role of Edie Mclurg was Mrs. Marv Mendelson on David Letterman's morning show. Look it up, he really had one. I was late to work daily because of it.
The semester after my freshman year in college (1980), I worked in a resort town where I bought my very first car, a 1967 VW van painted red, white and blue. There was not only no service station that could work on it, no one even sold basics like oil filters. I bought a book, and I bought filter material and an…
When I was in sixth grade, I started a NOW chapter for my friends. I'm pretty sure we weren't nationally accredited - also, I'm pretty sure all those girls who quit after the first meeting weren't my friends.
Although she did say that the friend had been in helpful therapy in the past.
I got banned from and when I inquired, I was told it was a ToS violation and they don't explain those, they just e-mail a copy of the ToS. The position I was advertising (they happily took my money) was a contract position that was not MLM - I saw nothing about my position that was in violation.
Might I recommend "One Eyed Monster" for your next PT3K viewing? Synopsis: pr0n stars making pr0n in the woods wind up being hunted by an alien who has taken control of Ron Jeremy's disembodied dick. I'll never get that Saturday afternoon back - and I'm not sure I want to anyway.
Like if Pennsatucky didn't have bad teeth and had blond hair. Although I did hear something like "I aks myself" in the NPR interview which made me think - hey, is this a WoC singing blues/gospel/hill music?! Now that would be something!
I was born in 1961 and my parents were (relatively) involved in civil rights demonstrations and such (for white folks living in a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin). It wasn't until I was in sophomore year of college that I learned how much shit was going down back then - I actually called my mother and asked her how…
OMG, I get the pee one all the time. I can never find the "right" place to pee so I just have to keep trying different places. Then I wake up and trip over the dog in my urgency to get the to bathroom.
I prefer the "aged Cab" approach. Drink enough of it, and you forget about the mice.
HATE HATE HATE scutigera! Nothing will make me shriek like an insane little girl who's been set on fire than seeing those. Imagine my delight at being busted at work when one bolted out from under a paper on my desk and I ran around the office making otherworldly noises. "Why yes, I am the president of the company.…
Does your apartment allow cats? Do any of your neighbors/friends/family have cats? Collect cat fur and leave it near the suspected entry points. The next, more disgusting but often effective approach is to "borrow" used cat litter (pee, not poo) and leave it in shallow containers near the same location. The mice…
Fly paper is gross but VERY effective. We had a huge infestation in our home a couple summers ago (never did figure out what caused it but it never returned so...) and we hung those nasty things near all the windows. It took maybe three days, tops, to end our mess.
Stockholm Syndrome by Cockroach, is my diagnosis.
Best pizza dough I've ever made (and I used to be a thin-crust gal) and it's so damned easy. It's just not a "hey, we should have pizza for dinner in 1/2 hour" kind of recipe (so pretty much the opposite of this approach):…