

Wonderland is really a romantic story between Lewis Carrol and Alice.

So in short, you don't like hack n slash, you never played the original and wonder why this looks uninteresting. Gotcha!

"For Xbox 360, PS3 & PC"

Extremely well done! The only thing that bugged the shit out of me (unintended pun when you read on), is that megaman walks like he has a dildo up where the sun don't shine.

No I think he was talking about Snow.

not unless a spike in traffic occurred at the time of hack release.

Probably a combination of MVC3 & Vagrant Story (I cant believe the game is $5.99 CAD!).

They are dead souls (other players). If you successfully beat a boss, or help another player, you can get your body back. You can play the game as a dead soul as well though.

When it comes to FPS I can skip a year and pick up the next one after. I definitely can say I do not suck at it, nor can I say I am top tier, above average is just right. I will say I do have a blast playing COD, but after a couple of months, I like to play other games. There is this thing with me, whereby if I take

I'm not really sure, but this guy's voice sounds so familliar. I think he was in my squad during the MAG beta. I kept laughing the whole time, this dude was making comments. (I do know that he is playing from his XBox in that video, but he could also have a PS3)

I remember Krull. :)

I'm getting the Call of Duty ad, constantly expanding. It's very invasive of my kotaku experience.

First off, this is not a Sony Representative talking about the NGP, this is a developer. He is casually talking about his findings on his hands-on with the device. Do you think he is a robot void of personality that he will be spouting the exact specs everytime he mentions any device he works on?

While I agree with you on HR's plot, I also think that David Cage has got the right mindset with this presentation. Whether or not he actually pulled it off, is a different story.

So suddenly, 3D has become a greater gameplay mechanic over multiple touch screens, gyrometer & dual sticks? AWESOME!

except that the NGP has a touch screen also (which puts it at par with the ipad), and a back touch pad, 2 analogs & buttons.

because everybody understands specs.

There will always be someone who hates game A over Game B and vice versa. It would be foolish to believe that there is 1 single game, that can encompass every single person's needs/wants. I can honestly say that I pulled Patapon out of the hat. I personally love Patapon, and think there is depth to it, despite only