They have a touch screen as well as a back touch pad which PS3 does not have, Patapon has remained a PSP exclusive.
They have a touch screen as well as a back touch pad which PS3 does not have, Patapon has remained a PSP exclusive.
You're talking crazy!
I am pretty sure that if you are getting ill from theatre 3D you will experience illness from the 3DS. I have a Parallax Barrier 3D camera, and if you move it into the wrong angle, you will literally get dizzy. An experience far worse than any I've seen from theatre 3D. Mind you, I've gotten used to the Parallax…
I defended it in the beginning, but hordes of people wanted 3D to die. Just rewind back to kotaku less than a year ago.
but but but, I thought 3D was just a gimmick that should go away & die a 1,000 deaths?
Luck you. I wish I haven't played it before, so I can experience the wonder and awe again for the first time.
do not.. I repeat do not watch the music video of that song. It will disturb you. *shivers/childhood shattered*
This is sounding more and more like how I imagined the game to play (this is an awesome thing). I was imagining a sort of training a colossus, and in the process the colossus helps you in ways to solve the labyrinthian environments, as well as in combat. I also imagined that there is some babysitting involved of your…
yeah I thought about that after I posted, but oh well, and yes he is incredible!
Awesome vid, especially since the past weekend I went snowboarding. When I think of BMX'ing I always think of this vid.
they did it in their previous video "Femme Fatale" pack, where the girl did a Sakura-like pose.
Wait... You are complaining about a feature that makes a AAA action/adventure title last longer?
but you don't have to buy a single thing to enjoy it. Everything you buy is cosmetic, and has no bearing on the mechanics of it. Also, you get free stuff by doing Home events.
I agree with you. I mean look at Farmville, most kotakuites hate it, but obviously kotakuites aren't the entire buying market, because farmville is huge.
You know every game nickel and dimes you with DLC, by your logic, does that mean you are gonna stop buying those games too?
I didn't know who Matsuno is until now, but I loved Vagrant Story, & I am one of the few who loved FFXII.
That message alone makes me laugh all the time, at the idiocy that goes on over the net. I love it.