
watching the show has the same effect.

Stan Lee Barfs GOLD!


Smilex, apparently has some adverse side effects.

@GamerKT: As creepy as this may sound. I know those breasts and get-up from anywhere. I knew it was Chloe from the get-go.

I remember spending hours just perfecting that super, so I can pull it off completely on the fly. Yes it is one of the best finishes, because it wasn't an automated super, you had to work at it to pull it off completely, and it felt awesome.

@Epifante: haha! look at my post above yours. Great minds think alike.

Now playing

Tele-porting ala Nightcrawler or controlling time, would be my dream special powers.

@Yotsuba: Holy crap, it's been a while since I played Tekken, but I used Dr. Boskonovitch a lot. SO YES PLOX!

@LucasReis: It sounds like overheating. Make sure you clean your vents from dust, but if this is happening, it may already be too late.

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yeah the internet is brutal, for not getting tone of voice. I sound like a douchebag in text, yet people get along with me in person immediately. Even my last comment still makes me sound like a douche. I should've added a smiley face. :)

I didn't think you were bashing. My comment was meant to be in addendum to yours.

Now playing

@PercyChuggs: Music is a matter of taste, I won't really argue here. You can name any artist, and there are people who will argue what makes artist yadda yadda so good? I don't like any of Gaga's stuff, yet I know a few people who adore her shit. 80% of the shit I listen to, barely anyone's even heard of.

@FixXxer0720: When I have company over, I have various photo collections grouped up, and I have various playlists of various moods, so I put on a playlist, and load up a photo gallery, which is actually a nice backdrop.

@jayntampa: I have at least 5 gb of music on my PS3.

@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Qriocity is on the PSP now if you update it. It doesn't have service yet though. So if it's on the PSP, I'm pretty sure it'll be on the NGP.