
IMO, CJ > Nico.

hah. What was odd, is that there is a training mode, where you can input lag, and train against lag.

you should jump into Multiplayer as soon as possible. It will help you learn new things that other people have exploited.

I Lol'd. Hey there big spender achievement fulfilled.

There are unlockable characters. I started playing 1 single player game, and then a character unlocked. I did some training and another character unlocked.

It would help if you shared a pre-requisite to what you find makes a good game.

Keep on Trollin' MBC.

Dr Conrad Murray, ZSr

I was so tempted to post this instead of the photo I chose.

Zombies dancing in the streetz. What do?!

This is awesome to watch in the sense that MVC3 comes out today, which I preordered.

@CosmicElement: the reverse roundhouse starting at 1:13 is friggin brutally awesome too!

+1 for truth.

These vids are fricken awesome! *pushes suscribe button*

this could end becoming something very awesome or very shitty.

I nominate it for artistic intent.

Now playing

Mario Bros. 3, Megaman 2, Pac-Man, Shadow of the Colossus, Space Invaders, MGS3 (most specifically the ending scene with Eva's recording), Final Fantasy VI, Streetfighter 2, and Devil May Cry 1.