
I like everyone in the game. They all work so well together. Elena, Drake, Sully, Chloe, hell even Flynn.

I'm staying at my 'rents house for the weekend, so I'm just playing Valkyria Chronicles 2, & Yggdra Union on the PSP. Wishing I had the NGP instead.

@DeG345: I have a PS3, 46" 3DTV, shit computer 2.1 speakers (but they do the job). My next major purchase will most likely be a HD surround 5.1 stereo setup, which I am hoping to work up to by Fall (but then NGP is near that date too, and I would probably want the NGP more than the surround sound). I have too much on

@Scrotor: sounds awesome. I may have to hold off on KZ3 (Feb22) just for a bit, because MVC3 (Feb14) comes out a week before. I will most likely jump in beginning of March.

@Edo411: I dont know, I haven't tried it myself.

@fiveone: congratz homeowner! I just bought my first one last year as well :) I am very very very pleased with it.

@Scrotor: are you referring to DS controls or Move?

so I've been playing ME2 for the past while since launch of the PS3 port. At first I thought it was kinda bland, but after a while (34 hrs in) it has started to grow on me. I am almost done all the loyalty missions, and am working on my paragon because Miranda doesn't like me. My female Shep is developing a

@Andy L.: or she is cross-eyed.

@KillTheDrive: I haven't woken up yet, if that's what you mean. When I first heard the price, I thought it was a mistake. I knew the going prices of condos downtown, and part of me thought it could have been a scam. But now I am living in it, it's a brand new building. My only regret, is that I didn't try really hard

My condo, in the centre of downtown Toronto. 2 min. walk from the subway, in the middle of the entertainment district so no shortage of bars to walk/stumble to, hotties walking all over the place including in my own condo itself. It's now worth $100,000 more than I paid for it.

@fronsac: someone posted below a more elegant solution in development. Head tracking is a feasible solution but is open to glitching bad. The article link below is almost flawless, with the use of voxels instead of pixels.

6 points of multi-touch? I'm afraid of where the 6th point is coming from....


@INSANEdrive: I wish I could see that in person, because it's hard to tell if it is 3D. I saw that the camera moves, and the perspective changes a bit, but it could be cheating, having the video change perspective in sync with the camera man.

I've said in the beginning, glasses-free 3D won't work with Home TVs, but will work with portables.