@AngryFork: Years of practice, & train-ing.
@AngryFork: Years of practice, & train-ing.
@Advent Chaos loves Olette!: There are 3 rails. 2 are the tracks to which the wheel follows, the 3rd one is an electrical one, which the trains draw it's power from. The 3rd rail is the dangerous one.
@butaneko: It only does everything?
@heretrix: Didn't you know? Looking where you're going is so 2010.
@excel_excel: can you imagine that it takes longer than 30 min. (thinking back on DMC4) and your mother keeps shutting it off before the install is done. You'd never get to play it.
@AngryFork: HAWT! do you have her number?
This makes me glad I bought the Move when I had some extra cash floating around. With Killzone 3's release I wouldnt have to worry about purchasing the game, and then purchasing a Move controller just to get the full experience.
@Seu: hehe yes. But I will say, for it's time, the graphics were amazing.
@The Sentient Meat: Exactly, they can release a final fantasy that involved space marines, that kill everything in sight. Or a FPS MMO called Final Fantasy XVII: Fantasy Warfare. (not that I would condone such ideas in my FF)
@Kiaza: ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!
@Pronssi: LOUD NOISES!
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: for those who have no clue, here is a trailer from The Onion Movie.
@winstonsicle: cockpuncher! nice.
@Bench.: You could also wait for Marvel vs Capcom 3, which comes out Feb 14th.
@AngryFork: I looked, and had a bit of trouble making it out, but now I know what's going on. They are on the top of a set of stairs, and you are seeing the railing of said set of stairs.
@simply_androoo: I think she did a great job in An American Rhapsody, but that's about it.
@eatplaysleepmore: I was hoping that if you click the image, it would be an animated gif.
For some reason, I would pick Jennifer Aniston for Chloe. Everytime I hear Elena talk, I swear she sounds like Jennifer Aniston. A more serious, but same-y Jen would work.
@arrrdawg: an Amano style remake of FFVI would be FUCKING AMAZING! sorry for shouting, but it would just be too amazing for words. It wouldn't even have to be 3D polygons, it could be HD Amano style sprites.