Everything About This Sucks

I woke up this morning to the news that Epic Games, a plucky corporate underdog worth $17 billion, was trying to

62 million people voted for Donald Trump. Stupid gullible people often confuse arrogant obnoxious assholes for bold leaders.

There are always people who enjoy watching assholes because it makes them feel vicariously powerful. He’s their id. He gets to be the loudmouthed fuckbags they wish they could be, if only they had the power and the platform to do the same.

I’m not knocking streaming or people who watch it. But what’s the appeal of someone like Dr. Disrespect? Do you watch because you’re envious? Do people genuinely like him as a person/character? Is it shock value in the same vein as Howard Stern?

Like, I’ve watched him briefly a couple times to see what he does and he

Can’t believe I’m reading Harry Potter and the Audacity of these Bitches.

I can’t think of anything smaller and non-frivolous than this though.

Moderates aren’t really Democrats. They’re basically their own elite party and will shoot down anything progressive or can’t profit off of.

meh. i’m glad she’s in there talking pie-in-the-sky stuff. because that stuff is just as possible as the milquetoast that goes on now. and that is needed. things can change on a dime if people care enough, we just need more of her.

You must be thinking of some other party. And no, I’m not a Trump supporter or a Republican.

Funny enough Castelvania is far more "anime" than a series like its Ghost in the Shell that has a better claim to the name.

The Last of Us Part I and II came out in the timespan Star Citizen was since announced.

Anybody can come up with good ideas. The hard part is figuring out how to make them work. 

If i can plant a tree, and it grows as I age, then that’s all I ask. 

Huge Halo fan, and this just does nothing for me. I want to be excited, but after Halo 5 and this I just can’t muster it. Maybe as they show us more I’ll get more excited but this just looks kind of boring.

I didn’t mind that it looked a bit muddy. I haven’t played through a Halo game since ODST, and I’ve wanted to get back into the series because I loved those games back in the day. An open-world Halo is something I’ve wanted for almost 20 years now. It doesn’t bother me that the graphics weren’t mind blowing.

If you told me that footage was from an xbox 360 halo game I would have believed you, and then yawned.

Shadowrun is my jam but I’ve played some CP2020 and I WANT. THIS. SO. MUCH. The whole run up to the release of CP2077 has just reminded me how much I love this kind of setting.

Every time I see more about this game my need grows mightier.

I suspect the people who are deeply concerned about it’s portrayal of Japanese culture generally won’t really care that much about what actual Japanese culture thinks of it.