
I played as a Gangrel in the first Bloodlines but in this one I think i’ll go with the Toreador for that ‘Only Lovers Left Alive’ ‘Interview with the Vampire’ feel.

Damn it to hell if only I had this on PC. My two characters are on Xbox 360.

Now playing

Can’t wait to meet the vampiric council.

If it was $100 i’d bite.

CD Projekt Red just took it to a whole new level. 2020 here we come !

That actually sounds pretty cool to me.

This looks rather forgettable.

Jesus christ, the dead sea wants it’s salt back. This comment section is dry curing me.

You sound pretty outraged for someone who pretends not to be outraged.

I tried changing my name to any of the minor characters in A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, they were almost all taken... wow.

It shouldn’t have to always be.

lol yeah I guess he might have found a way out of the house.

I thought Murray died in the first Zombieland?

*heats fish in the workplace microwave*

As long as they focus on the rpg elements and all the small details that make every playthrough unique i’ll be buying this day 1. I loved the first one, if they improve on every aspect it’ll be everything I ever wanted for a sequel. Bring it on!

Damn those are some great influences. Day 1 purchase for that alone.

Holy shiznit !!

On a divergent side note, Tim where did you get your awesome jacket?