
I think Sebastien would have beaten Colin but it would been one hell of a rivalry.

Here’s the thing while I didn’t like some of the plot paths I thought overall the experiment was pretty successful. I just wish the decisions would have been a bit more subtle leading to more varied outcomes but that would mean hundreds more minutes of footage which might be asking a bit too much.

Cautiously optimistic about Anthem.

I didn’t know I needed this game until this post ! It would have to be set in the 80's though (cold war etc.).

Using leftovers as a blanket cultural comparison I think is bit shaky. From a sociological standpoint though I think economic status and geography would play a much bigger role no matter the amount of melanin in your skin.

Sorry but leftovers has nothing to do with race. Leftovers have been a thing since the beginning of time. Your whole narrative is highly skewed. You do know that there’s plenty of poor white people right

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There’s some pretty big omissions from this list.

If that’s the case there’s no way in hell i’m buying it.

It’s over-salted.

Really looking forward to this despite never playing the first one.

Exactly what I thought. It has that retro futurist western look.

I remember downloading and playing America’s Army. It was fun for 30 min but even at 19 I knew exactly what the U.S. Army was trying to pull. If you want to make the Army a positive force in the world it all comes down to who shapes policy. You want to be a ‘patriot’, learn about civics and diplomacy first. A

lol indeed.

I don’t play an online game to buy shit. I’ll eventually buy things but it should be an afterthought not the whole god damn point of the game.

Sorry but i’m going to pre-order Cyberpunk 2077. 

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If I was richer I would have snagged one simply for the fact it’s Ghostly International (one of my favourite labels) SNES. What a great collab.

If it gets too annoying there’s always the airlock.

Well couldn’t a glitch be caused by a minor hardware malfunction ?

Great post ! We direly need more nuanced writing in games.