
The yakuza should have made him piss his pants and then filmed it.

Well what do you have to offer? So we can all shit on it.

I find that cackling strangely infectious.

Did you visit Paris or have you lived there because it all depends on which suburbs you’ve been to. There’s well integrated suburbs and the ones you mentioned which need to be rethought altogether. The projects just like many in the U.S. are a result of poorly designed 60's and 70's urban planning.

The fact this game is excluded from the list invalidates it altogether. I mean seriously!

One of the best games i’ve played on the Vita.

Your videos are like poetry.

That whole damn scene was pointless just like most of the decisions made in this movie. No wonder the resistance is losing, it’s run by idiots.

I’ve seen at least 25 movies from this year, mostly indies but Blade Runner 2049 was the best movie experience I had by far. The atmosphere oozed and drifted off the screen and into the seats it was that enthralling.

It really pisses me off it won’t get the critical accolades it deserves. Sci-fi always seems to get shafted, year after year even though it has some of the most cerebral human stories to date.

Haven’t seen the movie yet but I think it would be nice if exploring the sense of curiosity & education became the focus on finding a solution for the underprivileged in films like these. It’s been done before with movies like Stand and Deliver but it’s a theme that needs further exploration in much greater context

Now to fix my PC so I can play this game without the rig shutting down randomly.

That gave me a sensible chuckle.

Blade Runner 2049 is my film of the year. God damn I love Villeneuve and Deakins.

Boring as fuck ?!? Really?!

Yeah the script has a lot of faults. The visuals were nice though.

In a galaxy far, far away.

I couldn’t agree with you more on Halt & Catch Fire. Twin Peaks is up there as well but as you already know I think Mr. Robot deserves just as much credit for different reasons.