
Personally I loved season 2 as much as season 1. Mainly because it was taking the show down the rabbit hole. It always felt like it was bigger than the sum of it’s parts. There’s too many little details that I could go on about but it’s a show that revels in misinformation and the potential an unreliable narrator can

So is every opinion.

Call of Duty 4. 52-1 .

Call of Duty 4. 52-1 .

If you watched all the TV it would still be the best thing currently on TV.

It’s a travesty Mr. Robot isn’t on the list. Can’t take “a best of TV” list seriously if it’s not on there.

Garbage really ?!? It was better than I, II, III & VII.

Don’t the droids repair the ship though? I’ve never seen a dog do that.

Bingo. Those memory cards helped in it’s decline. What a stupid strategy by Sony.

Screw you I own a Vita and don’t plan on getting a Switch. Let me game on the go in peace damnit.

Damn I thought Hyper Light Drifter was eventually coming out for it. :(

I get where you’re coming from but I think you might projecting a bit too much. Also Leary seems like a pretty lame scapegoat for this country’s problems.

I’d watch that!

No, the script and direction made it “not good”. The casting just made it “even shittier”.

From what I saw of this trailer this movie looks like a flaming cgi dog turd. What a shame.

It is for me. Instabuy day 1.