
Assholes will always try to find a way to ruin things. I’ve come to terms with that a long time ago.

I don’t see anything wrong with depression having a creative outlet. A great deal of art and literature comes from being unsatisfied with oneself and the world.

Also I was kind of hoping that it would be attached to an anthology series in the same vein as the Animatrix.

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Plus Flying Lotus & Kuedo are doing the soundtrack !!!! Haven’t fanboy’d like this in a long while !!!

They look like well weathered gentlemen enjoying life. Terrible is way too harsh imo.

Just got this on vinyl ! :)

He’s still completely miscast.

I can’t stand the guy. He sucks at acting. He’s a stereotypical meathead and well...that’s it.

That most of today’s mainstream music culture is burning trash.

Couldn’t agree more. Whatever “that” was is an abomination.

I hope Blade Runner delivers. I haven’t been this excited for a movie in more than a decade. Screw all that superhero & jedi crap, I just want some gritty, intelligent sci-fi.

There’s the bad kind of predictable and the good kind. This season has been the good kind. I’d give it a solid 8.75. Hopefully the final season scratches those itches that need scratching.

What a genius idea. Maybe in another dimension.

No wonder Trump won.

That cover is giving me the vapours.

That picture alone was better than the entirety of the Defenders.

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I love this show. The characters and writing are great and the 80's to early 90's backdrop is perfect for showing the accelerated evolution of the information age. It also has one of the best intros ever created.