
I’d have sabraged a few of those Veuve Cliquots then poured some into a sports bottle to take on the go.

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Definitely in my all time favorite tunes. Heard it on the radio night as a kid & it forever left it’s mark. Your taste in music is always on point.

Just like sloths.

Season 2 was great imo. It pulled off strange and dangerous so well. The story is told as to obfuscate the viewer in the same way Mr. Robot hides in the shadows from Elliot. Also there was plenty of hacking it’s just now it’s done in the context of a bigger picture. It’s better than 95% of what’s out there.

It was the link to the new trailer.

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Series 2 was FAR from an abomination. I will go as far as say it’s not appreciated enough. It’s god damn stone cold classic.

I concur it seems that i09 has lost some of it’s jouissance for the experimental & left field.

Yes keep going. There’s nothing like it on TV, not even close.

Anyone try to decipher the ARG earlier today? It took someone like 3 min to figure it out on twitter, too bad the Mr. Robot account deleted all the tweets. Anyways the trailer looks insane in the best possible way. Sam Esmail is going to knock this out of the park.

Is Valerian really that bad? I’ve heard mixed reviews and was thinking of catching it this weekend. I’m guessing it’s an empty spectacle but still flashy eye candy. So glad I went to see Dunkirk last weekend so don’t give up on the big screen quite yet. I’m worried that i’m too hyped up for Blade Runner 2049 because I

More like slimies.

Best track on the album.

Where the hell are all the European comics ?

Titanfall 2 > All other shooters.

Titanfall 2 is the best shooter to come out since Modern Warfare. I wish gamers realized how great this game truly is.

Good question. Though once the uprising starts I think having an ‘older’ model might be advantageous . 

Drinking > outward appearance

#Prefunk , my preferred state of mind before going to the theater.

Despite it’s flaws I loved this game. So glad we got to see it get made thanks to Rockstar’s support. Wish we could get a more refined sequel but that might never happen.