
What the hell was that one Japanese baseball game that had players with gigantic heads? I think it came out on the Snes or N64.

They should make an anthology series based on Burning Chrome. In the vein of Black Mirror.

Now playing

I couldn’t agree more, Lusine’s (L’usine) earlier stuff is way better than his recent output imo but yeah Ghostly is a great label (their ‘after dark’ twitter feed is out there & pretty hilarious). If you dig shoegaze / synthpop Black Marble & Xeno & Oaklander are definitely worth a listen too.

Maybe U.S. cops should learn a thing or two from the Swedes.

The programmers could pull off something more technical with an elegant solution that isn’t resource heavy. Who knows...

You need to check out more leagues. There’s plenty of excitement if you start following a team close enough.

Why not shoot for the stars? Someone has to. Games have become too stale and cookie cutter for their own good. For as much flack as No Man’s Sky gets, they might have aimed for the grandiose and missed but at least they had an ambitious vision.

I had the exact same thought. I’m hoping Ubisoft gives him all the resources he needs. This could blow Mass Effect out of the water and that’s saying something.

This is the scale and scope of what Mass Effect Andromeda should have been. I can’t wait to see what Ancel does with a RPG sci-fi sandbox.

I loved my original Xbox & 360. Why Microsoft has gotten a bad rep recently is that the Xbox One was rushed & Microsoft isn’t developing enough groundbreaking AAA exclusives. This gen i’ve jumped to the PS4 but if MS can get their shit together i’d be willing to go with them again. Besides I have a gaming PC so it’s

Multipass revoked.

Haven’t bought a superhero game since Arkham City & I have fond memories of playing Spider Man on the original Xbox so the amount of potential this has as an open world ass kicking simulator is immense.

As someone who never played it but heard nothing but good things and just recently bought a PS4 i’m glad I’ll get a chance to experience it.


Hopefully we get to see some sweet Afro futurism.

When I first joined Twitter I did it so I could win prizes and contests. I hated the notion of getting lost in a time wasting social media platform that might not be around in a few years. Then I slowly started using it to follow musicians and artists I liked. Now i’m completely enveloped in it’s batshit craziness.

If they had to cast they need to just go with mixed actors, where it’s hard to tell what ethnicity they belong to. The future will be blurred.

This whole thing is going to end up very very badly. It doesn’t need a cash grab adaptation, AT ALL. I’m sure as fuck not going to watch this flaming turd disintegrate before it even enters the atmosphere.

Blech. This whole project should be shut down.