
I have no idea what any of that means. Is it like a persona?

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The original soundtrack by Jeff Russo is particularly mesmerizing. Up there with Utopia & Humans from Cristobal Tapia de Veer.

So hipsters like good music? They don’t sound half bad.

Never thought i’d see Boards of Canada on Kotaku. Nice surprise :)

That’s why I fly Iceland Air.

It also has a lot in common with the movie Blood Diamond which came out 2 years before it.

I’m sorry but our definitions of shit must be pretty different.

lol. Well my PS4 should be here by the weekend. Can’t wait to get my Persona on. I’m anticipating the addiction.

I need gameplay damnit !

Just bought a Ps4 to play P5. I have a gaming PC but Ps4 has some dope exclusives. Just bought myself The Last Guardian & Horizon: Zero Dawn and maybe Nioh once i’m done with the Witcher 3.

The real crime is that Rockstar deleted my character after I played on a server that had hackers (which i’m guessing alot of people do ) . Rockstar customer support twice said if they delete your GTA online character there’s no way to appeal any wrong doing on their part. Bought the game twice (360, PC) and that’s

Especially when I can get a used PS4 for around $200 and have access to better games. This is coming from a die hard Xbox 360 user.

It felt too artificial, the pacing was horrible and it should have used much more practical effects imo. Besides that I don’t think he got the most out of the actors and the casting which i’m sure he had input on was mostly miss rather than hit. While some of the special effects were quite nice, they weren’t utilized

“or you’re as sick of Benedict Cumberbatch as I am.”

and hired a competent director.

Wag the orange thing with transplants.

The only reason i’ll probably buy it is because one of my only figures is this one.

I can almost taste it.