
Yeah, I guess that's it, but I just googled both of them and they both look beautiful to me. Kylie just looks a little more baby-faced/younger than Kendall, but still pretty. But then again I think Khloe is pretty (even when she was "heavy") so WTF do I know.

I just googled both of them and they both look beautiful to me, but I admit I'm not up to date on Kardashian knowledge. Kylie just looks a little more baby-faced/younger than Kendall, but still pretty.

I completely agree with this, and yet I do feel there is an extra level of "WTF" when people fat-shame a pregnant woman. I mean, it's just inexplicable— of COURSE you're going to gain weight when you're having a baby. I think it's that added stupidity that makes me angry.

Wait, why is Kylie going to be like Khloe?

THANK YOU. I knew I wasn't imagining the black friend!

I had a Samantha doll, and I read her series. I absolutely loved her! I don't remember the series really well, but I believe there is a lot on women's right to vote. And I think she has a black friend as well— can anyone confirm?

omg, me too! so good.

My favorite clever names so far have been "Frankly, Scarlet" (a shade of red and play on words from "Gone With the Wind") and "Lost Without My GPS" (a coral from Sephora). Although now that I think about it, "Lost Without My GPS" is perpetuating the stereotype that women aren't good drivers/navigators... damn it!

Same here! Lovely shade, awful name.

Other good ones: "Lost Without My GPS" (it totally describes my life). Another bad one you could add to your list— "Iris I Was Thinner," by OPI for Sephora. Beautiful purple color, horrible name.

Best nail color name ever: "Frankly, Scarlet" for a shade of red. The literary nerd in me just couldn't resist.

This is my least favorite so far. Really boring and drab.

It was rhetorical, because Newfies are amazing and thousands of times cuter than this weird little monkey-dog :/

I have a female Newfy too (although she's not a puppy— she turns 3 tomorrow!). What color is yours? Mine is brown and sooooo adorable. You don't see many brown newfs competing at dog shows for some reason. I honestly don't know why people find the small dogs and terriers so much cuter— I honestly don't see it, though

I don't understand how this dog could win over the Newfoundland.

Judith McNaught, hands-down. Her contemporary and her regency romances are beautifully written with fully-developed characters, in addition to being really hot. I can't recommend this author enough.

I love this story. I have a Newfoundland (a girl) and she is the sweetest baby ever. We volunteer at nursing homes, but I would totally be interested in getting her involved in a program like this. Newfies are amazing with kids :)

How you feel about Dance Moms is how I feel about Toddlers & Tiaras. It makes me SO MAD. But I can't look away. Maybe this is more "train wreck" watching than hate-watching? Whatever. It's different from a guilty pleasure, though.

"Needlessly classist," that is it so perfectly. We were a bunch of (relatively) privileged andn(mostly) white girls, which is why it left a sour taste in my mouth. We had other fun themed parties— "Sexy teachers and mythical creatures" comes to mind (which doesn't really make sense as a cohesive theme, but made for

"We use terms like hate-watch and guilty pleasure so we don't have to admit that Honey Boo Boo makes us laugh or that we cried during every episode of Grey's Anatomy."