
What the fucking fuck? These pussyless women..OMG....the bizzare...

I didn't suggest that three injuries were sustained in this way. I just gave an example of what a hypothetical situation could potentially entail. My blood is drawn in my GP's office during my physicals but maybe that's because my GP is in a clinic. Do people pass out and fall down all the time when they get blood

Thank you for clarifying that for me. I really appreciate it :)

I never defined 200lbs as "morbidly obese" in any comment in this discussion.

It makes perfect sense to me, as I've had to nurse my own mother through these injuries. People need to realize, nurses aren't getting rich doing's just not worth compromizing your health over. She now refuses to over extend herself physically at work turning obese patients. Her supervisor can kiss her

Huh. Interesting. Wouldn't be the first time someone with something to lose lied on TV.

No need to be oversensitive. You find it problematic that they are lovers, moguls, and have investment in each other's professional concerns and success?

Earnest Question: When the Dr in the video says that her staff has suffered injuries related to administering care to obese clients, do you believe she is making it up?

For instance, people sometimes pass out and fall over when you draw blood from them.

How dangerous 200 lbs is to your health depends on your height and genetics, and lifestlye choices obviously. But how dangerous it is to lift or turn 200lbs if you weigh significantly less than that does not depend on anything. There is risk involved, as I explained to you before.

Exactly! And, I love your name.

This Dr. didn't say 'lose weight fattie'. My mother who is an RN was injured by turning an obese patient and her co-workers routinely suffer hurniated disks related to turning or lifting obese patients despite the fact that protocol is followed. Then they have to go out on disability where in the state I live in you

There's no evidence provided that the injuries were related to equipment deficiencies. My mother has been an RN for 40 years and routinely has anecdotes from work about co-workers who have had to go on disability from hurniated disks and other injuries as a result of turning obese patients or lifting them when they

I don't think you understand it either. I didn't say my not particularly caring for her means that abusive, controlling behavior in her life is OK.

My brother has Asperger's syndrome and I notice it's coming up a lot in the comments here like its some kind of predictor for being a violent maniac. It's not. He's the sweetest guy in the world, though he is disenfranchised and suffers deep and cruel discrimination every day because of his condition. Not all

I would agree straight up if Kim Kardashian were just a regular woman, and not also a brand, but she is a brand. Her product is...herself. And she is taking business advice on how to present her product.

Yes, that sounds right.

I'm so sad about this. True Romance is one of my favorite films. I saw it on a first date with a man I loved for decades after that night. I know this is simplistic, and in no way relevant to how depression and suicide actually work, but I am always oddly puzzled by super sucessful people commiting suicide. I think

It just might.