
I think a rousing "No shit sherlock" fits here.

NO. You don't get to put "SNES/ARCADE" in there. It's the fucking shitty ass arcade version, not the oh so awesome snes version.

I wouldn't even bitch and moan about the pricing so much if they hadn't split shit up that goes together.


I love how developers bitch and moan about gamestop and how used game sales fuck them over, then they go and give pre-order bonuses to gamestop to get people to go in there.

I'm so sick of fucking announcements of announcements of announcements.

Demo kicked so much ass. I'm still on the fence about the ps3 version vs the 360 version. PS3 gets the Joker for the challenge rooms, but the 360 controls just felt more natural...

I'd rather have Wrecking Crew be playable online than all of that other stuff put together.

The game is fun so far, though it's been next to impossible to get into skirmishes.

That's three territories too many.

Goddammit. Do people really need an easier way to update the single most useless thing on the internet?

Still think they should have used the snes version.

Since when the fuck are Patapon and Loco Roco considered girly games?

Bullshit. It wasn't because a driving game was taken away. It was already explained the FIRST FUCKING DAY that it was because the little fucker didn't want to go to church.

If it was the SNES version, I'd have gladly paid 1200 for it, and been even happier when it dropped to 800.

God. Hearing Nathan Fillion narrating gave me a hard on.