
I once said something offhand to a colleague who had lost a baby, and I had no idea. I’m still sad I said what I did. My colleague is tall and slender and we all knew she was expecting a baby. With her willowy frame, she showed early but didn’t get very big. My work is extremely busy and time-consuming, and I don’t

Look, let’s be clear about this. This person loves a piece of cloth, likely manufactured in China, depicting some red and white stripes and a blue field with stars. This piece of cloth should be revered above all else, including the rights enshrined into the Constitution. Signs of proper reverence include: flag

ME ME ME. I have battled adult acne since the age of 31. I am now 51. Spironolactone was a life-changer for me, but I still get breakouts and shininess. I tried a sample of Fenty foundation and fell in love. Seriously. I was using Bobbi Brown. The Fenty feels better on my face, it’s less oily and stays matte-looking

I looked at that tweet and the comments. Don’t do it.

She is the only candidate out of that national clusterfuck who is being asked to take a seat (because, lady). Her staunch refusal to take said seat makes me like her even more. No Fucks Hillary and No Fucks Obama should make a buddy-cop show.

As a middle-aged ladyperson, I pee at each and every opportunity. You never know when the next one will present itself.

So is that dancer in front of Ms. Spears about to nurse from her ample bosom? Feels very Grapes of Wrath-y.

This is my favorite Madonna era. I love, love, love that hair. Sigh.


How amazing was that eternal fight scene at the beginning of the third act? It’s possible the director used clever edits, but it appears to be one long tracking shot up and down stairs and in and out of apartments. I was completely bowled over. MOAR! MOAR! MOAR!

I live in Oregon, just outside the path of totality. But for family coming in for this event, I would stay home and enjoy my almost total eclipse. I will be happy to see them, yet vastly unhappy to sit in traffic for hours as we travel to an event in the path of totality. I just want to make it to August 22 at this

I remember that movie for the scene where Goldie Hawn goes to retrieve some priceless museum item that somehow ended up in the hands of a neighbor child. When she confronts the parent about getting it back, the father begins this long saccharine explanation to the child about how sometimes grown ups are unreasonable

Fake, dangerous, blah blah did you get past the fact that Pedro Pascal is in that photo? Nothing else really registered.

Witnessing 45's rectal prolapse would be the only way to make me watch this video.

It’s my go-to at the dentist when I’m getting invasive work done and I’m hopped up on goofers. She has TVs on the ceiling and headphones. Perfection.

Look, I’m not the one who built it in College Station. I’m not saying it isn’t a fun place to be. But it’s in CS.

And the Dixie Chicken. How could I forget that?

This is the most College Station thing I’ve read in awhile.

YES there it is. Thank you. I kept picturing him in “North and South” and could not place it. Mystery = solved.

HELP. I know who this is and can’t place him!