
I don't know Kyle, future earnings of a professional football running back seems like a safe investment to me

How adorable, he has Peyton Manning's forehead

I would say only in double play situations, similar to how the infield fly rule only applies in certain situations. And it would introduce a new judgment call, but is that worse than having a rule that says "you must be touching the base when you have possession of the ball to record an out, unless a baserunner

Nailed it on Illinois being #1, but meat pies should be higher on this list. They are wonderful

If you can show me articles articles in Los Angeles papers claiming the city to be baseball heaven, that their fans are unquestionably superior to everyone else's (the author of that article even uses the insufferable BFIB acronym on his Twitter), and that they are the sole arbiters of how to play baseball "the right

Why not automatically call out the runner going to first if a player slides off the basepath or through the base with the intention of breaking up a double play opportunity? It would remove the incentive for a player to do it entirely, whereas ejection is both too strong and not strong enough, breaking up a play

I don't know about better necessarily, but they're damn close. Before a 3-2 loss to Uruguay 2 days ago, they hadn't lost a match in over a year (a 1 goal loss away to Brazil), and have beaten Italy, Chile, Germany, Uruguay, Switzerland, Brazil (twice) and Colombia in the last 2 years. They also happen to have the

If you read the article, it's abundantly clear why

Wouldn't a logical solution be to ban players sliding through or off of the base to break up a double play? There's not really any reason to have it be part of the game, and you're just asking for injuries. Umpires would have to use their discretion as to who should be called for violating this rule, but they would

Watch out, I hear some toddlers know their way around a shotgun

Raysism: [cums]

Quinoa has caught on among health nuts largely because it's a gluten free substitute for other grains. Sriracha has nothing on fad diets

Susan Reimer: This is just reprehensible, men fathering children out of wedlock. They should be run out of the league for such offensive behavior

I'm not sure "Yankees fans" is the benchmark you would want to use for relative social enlightenment

+1 single tear

Shocking coming from such a socially progressive state like Georgia

It seems kind of unreasonable to disregard more recent results just because they happened in more minor tournaments though. The World Cup is obviously the most important, but it's not like Spain was dogging it or fielding a B team in the Confed Cup. Both teams were trying to win a meaningful game and the players

To my knowledge, the lawsuit only covered the time prior to 2006, however it will be much harder to sue the NFL now, especially since they have taken steps to try to mitigate concussions (as weak as they are) and there is still no proven causal link between football and impaired cognitive function

Retired Glassworkers Shown To Have Humongous Pane Deficits

Maybe relative to their expected performance, but they only lost one match in qualification, and it was to Spain. In friendlies, they beat Italy and drew with Uruguay and Belgium (lost some too, but all to good teams like Brazil and Germany). 7th is probably too high for them, but they're far from terrible. That