
Also, don't forget France, who are going to have to go to the UEFA playoffs to qualify unless Spain loses to Georgia

You're laughing now, but Jordan has a history of being great in the playoffs

I think you're really short-changing Costas

How dare young men have fun while being played millions of dollars to play a game for entertainment purposes? Anything more than a sober head nod is an insult to the game

Not pictured: Mark Cuban off to the left standing near a giant slingshot

Good News Bears

New England Revulsion

Her friend didn't know she was drinking either. The punch that was being served had been spiked. But when she bumped into Cox, she knew she was set

After calling for help from the nearby police officer, Hunter was shot multiple times. An internal investigation quickly ruled that it was in self defense

It has to be Mushnick. Whicker's column was tasteless and horrible, but seemed more like it was lazy and poorly thought through than intentionally malicious. Mushnick's is literally lecturing a man whose son was just tragically murdered while using racially coded language to imply that this is something endemic to

A gasoline powered football would make watching the Giants' passing offense going down in flames so much more literal though

He's got a point, I mean, professional athletes are well known for their chastity, that's probably the reason this hasn't happened to anyone else

Poorly timed high fives are the third leading cause of injury among bros, after alcohol poisoning and crushing too much pussy

It's true that a small number of elite quarterbacks can probably bump this number up, but it would only be very slightly. It was still a very improbable event that occurred, and I was making fun of the way some people fail to understand statistical probabilities. They assume that, because a very improbable event

That is assumed. The win probability data is taken from historical data, and teams in similar situations generally play prevent defense, so that data ends up being incorporated in

"Obviously they had a better chance of winning with Tom Brady than just 0.99%. He's just so good that he completely changes the odds, and as soon as he got the ball back, you knew the Saints were in trouble."

And they thought it was bad when they only had locker room cancer...

Just let two bros duke it out on the ice during intermissions if fans supposedly love it so much. It would have exactly as much of a connection to what's actually happening in the hockey game, and instead of spending a couple hundred thousand dollars and a roster spot on it, you could just give a $50 Abercrombie &

The English attitude reminds me a lot of the good ol Murickan attitude towards soccer in the recent past. We wanted a tough, physical counterattacking side almost entirely devoid of flair and technique, and we were lost in the woods for years before we realized that the only way to win in international soccer is to

This is the part where I remind everyone that 2 years ago, talking heads on ESPN and sports talk radio were saying Eli Manning was a lock for the Hall of Fame