It’s one a a few movies that I leave on continuous loop in my Blu-Ray player.
It’s one a a few movies that I leave on continuous loop in my Blu-Ray player.
It’s not so long ago, that Jews,the irish and Italians weren’t considered white. They are mostly European so it makes assimilation easier than for West and Sub-Saharan Africans. Divide and conquer works to keep the poors from realizing skin-color is nowhere near as important as keeping wealth in the hands of the same…
There hasn’t been a case of human parthenogenesis for a few thousand years. If women are punished,men who don’t know how to control their lower brains should be punished as well.
This smells strongly of masculine bovine excrement.
Beard: check
It’s good enough to confound kindling and burning plywood.
I’ve spent some time in Union county, they don’t exactly have the best record when it comes to making judgements that affecting lives,their own and those of others . Remember this is the same county wherein Susan Smith drowned her children and blamed it on black man.
So did Hitler need adult diapers? Well that Depends...
Of course it was in Myrtle Beach. All it’s missing is some calabash and a hotel room that smells like old cigarettes.
Look at ole Lindsey Graham there agrinnin’ like a possum.
By having a better industrial infrastructure and having simple human decency as a casus belli.
When I read idiotic garbage like this story you just told, I’m glad my mother named me after William Tecumseh.
They never showed that on Firefly...
And they try to say High Fructose Corn syrup is harmless...
Well they have to do something with that extra 27%. ;}
At least he didn’t say “CP time”, only the HNIC can do that.