
Galaxy, not Galaxies plural.

Wow! The Rust Belt is rife with racism! =O

Too late, they prefer to be called Television Executives.

Now playing

Yeah it was Volkswagen GTI ad from a few years ago.

Don’t make me destroy you...

Into your soul, I am staring. mmmmm...

LOL One of Peter Stormare’s best performances to date. :D

I know what my new avatar is going to be now! =D

But CBS and Warner Brothers are sort of halfsies on The CW(Columbia-Warner). Who knows it could pop up again on The CW. In which case I’ll be investing in satellite again since the local affiliate has the broadcast power of a wheezing mouse.

I know of at least five different ways to watch from Series Premiere to Season 4 finale...

Looks a little like Duke Phillips from the Critic.

I can see that.

It should have been on the CW to begin with. They already have a stable of well-received shows based on DC comics,Constantine would fit right in amongst them.

Why is it so dusty in here? =’(

Well smeg! Season 3 was just lousy with all manner of good music. LOL

Now playing

The only other times they have used music so appropriately was Radiohead’s Might be Wrong

Is it just me or does this bear a remarkable resemblance to something...else?

11) They Will Turn You Into a Functional But Deeply Flawed Power Source.

Stand and deliver?