Inspection stickers? Hmmmm? Yeah,we used to have those in Souf Cackalacky.
Did you report him to the sociopath watchlist?
I won the genetic lottery.
Most of my most recent ancestors are African, and I can still drink milk with no ill effects.
I will not waste this talent of metabolizing lactose from my antecedents.
If the diaclone minifigures are supposed to be normal human-sized,that means Optimus Prime/Convoy in robot form is roughly 42 feet tall(12.81 m). Stacked head to foot it takes 7 of them to be eye-to-eye with Convoy.
I had the Diakron Multi-Force Robot as it was called in J.C. Penney's 1983 Christmas Catalog and it came…
Unless you're translucent or transparent, all humans are coloured.
KFC used to make sporks with similar effect on them.
Strictly speaking, Captain Cook's Discovery is about as far South as one can go with being in Tasmania or Antarctica. Additionally the Strine Accent and the Southern "Black" accent both derive from working class colonial British speech patterns. know.
Don't forget Han Solo used Luke's lightsaber to slit open the Taun-taun and save Luke's life on Hoth. But the argument could be made that Han Solo was a latent Force-user considering the decrepit condition of his YT-1300,and all the scrapes he and Chewie had only just barely escaped from.
Possible headlines for Bulldogz story:
Ditka drops a deuce and denies it.
Shirks and shifts blame when he takes a s**t. LOL