
There is no way in a million years it lives up to the hype.

The little black car is totally, absolutely and completely wrecked. However, no one is actually dead which is cool.

That is a REALLY high quality dashcam.

Yep. I admit i was being sort of snarkily sarcastic about it. Basically what it looks like now is that as soon as they can’t literally sue anyone they think is infringing, they don’t want to do it at all. Because its no fun anymore?

I think the idea would be the whole ‘teledildonics’ craze. That is, one person at one end using theres, and a reactive dildo on the other end. Its a whole new aspect to cybersex.

The content ID stuff is different from the DMCA stuff that they (reportedly) did to bring down some videos. DMCA is literally them saying ‘we own this’, the content ID stuff is automated.

Or months, while it sits there, making you no money (OR making other people money)

Because without the trademark they can’t officially licence things to people and create legal franchises in the same way, which is what they wanted to do. They could theoretically still make partnerships, but they would have to be individual and much more negotiable. The whole idea, or at least the main part of it,

There was a facebook post screenshot floating around of them literally sending their fans to attack Ellen for doing the same sort of rects .. thing.. that they did. Because no one ‘even talked to them’ about it first.. or some bullshit.

See also: Please stop unsubscribing. Since i started paying attention just a day or two ago they have gone from over 14 million subs, to (at this moment) 13,791,113 and still falling.

They are down from 14mil subs (when i heard about this) to 13,915,243 and falling as i type.

I hope you like sitting by the side of the road.

One really important thing is to listen. A lot of times people will hear you through walls and take potshots through or around corners or cover. A good way to get killed is to let the other team know where you are by moving around too much or running. That’s gotten me killed a bunch of times.

I dunno. Thats what i saw, i don’t know where all this hate comes from. It looked like he was just laughing with someone off screen. He’s even pointing at something or someone like ‘haha, yeah, you!’ and she brushed past him, he was startled in a ‘oh jeeze you’re there’ sort of way.

I sided with the institute, mostly because i want somewhere with proper lights and plumbing and didn’t want to live in a shack and also because i could stand to see them help the commonwealth a little more.

While i’m all for downplaying these guys and pointing out how they are ridiculous and the whole thing looks silly and childish it would also be silly to ignore just how stupid and dangerous that it is.

That was the book that put the breaks on for me. I didn’t have the time to read as much as i would like, and that huge book kinda did it for me. Its a series I really want to get back into but i need more time, and i’d want to touch up on the series again.

One of Jordan’s WoT books (10, 11?) was like 800 pages long and took place over a total of 3 days in which nothing happened.

Mostly because its not so much hard as it just requires patience. If you save before every event and just reload then how is it hard? Its just about patience and retrying over and over again.

The liberal use of save-scumming, to me, sort of ruins it as well. The second there s a failure, the attempt fails. But if you keep just reloading over and over again until you get the result you want, its just about patience, eventually you will succeed and to me that loses something.