
I think you’re right about the reasons why the other ladies didn’t want to get too deep into the whole thing, but I think the reason Meghan had no compunction is because 1. she was new (to the neighborhood and the show) and had no long-time friendships or loyalties to prevent her from investigating and 2. her

I hadn’t heard that the other cast members are refusing to film with Vicki. I really, really hope that’s true. Vicki thinks she should be the most important/well known OC housewife since she’s the only one that has been with the show since its inception. I think she wanted this season with Brooks’ cancer to be her

Tuppy is calling up Bertie for bail money as we speak.

What’s ironic is that you, a perfect stranger, are telling me that I don’t even know my own extended family. Well, I know them quite well, and that’s why I know the reason they believe in ghosts and alien visitations and witches and curses and fortune-telling is because they are ignorant. They literally don’t know any

You must be fond of non sequiturs.

My entire extended family believes in ghosts, witches, demons, aliens, etc. As a kid I was fascinated by these stories. One aunt has prophetic dreams! Another can see spirits! Yet another one is visited by aliens!

Whaaaaat? I never heard about that! Tell me more!

In one episode he’s seen taking his “medications”. He opens up one of those pill organizer things and starts piling up pills on a white dish. He must have put two dozen pills in that tray at least. The pills were clearly, clearly vitamins and herb supplements. They had no name brands, markings, or score marks on them.

I’ve always thought that the surname that should be handed down is the mother’s. If the point of the last name is to identify your “clan” then it should be the name of the woman who birthed the newest member of said clan that is used. There can be confusion or a mistake as to who a child’s father is, but there is

I agree and I wish all our currency would feature great Americans who contributed immensely to public policy or the arts and sciences:
Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Frederick Douglas, John Steinbeck, Jonas Salk, Annie Cannon, Harriet Tubman, FDR, Georgia O’Keeffe...

Why is this movie opening against The Force Awakens? Why is any movie opening that weekend? I really like Fey and Poehler but this movie looks dumb as hell and mildly amusing at best. It’s going to get creamed at the box office and then the narrative will be some horseshit about the end of American audiences’ brief

If I didn’t know better, I would swear that someone had photoshopped an actual dick in her mouth.

It was going to be a tough election for them even without Trump taking a shit all over their “brand” but now... If the Republicans don’t take care, Trump will poison the base irreversibly against the candidates that might have actually had a snowball’s chance in hell (or worse, run as an Independent) and the Democrats

Exhibit A

#3 don’t take it personally.

What the hell? Was that from the Trump press conference? Ramos is wearing similar clothing but I can’t tell for sure. What is the context and who is the guy that tells Ramos to “get out of my country”?

Women being energized after sex is a myth, at least in my experience. I usually fall asleep within a minute. Having excess energy sounds more like having sexual frustration.

People like this are just begging to be told off. I hope you told that woman to go fuck herself.

I saw a kid-waiter collision happen once at a restaurant. A group of friends / study partners from law school decided to go to dinner. It was a family-style Italian place and we ordered three family size plates to share among us.

I cannot believe how obtuse people are being about bitcholaporvida’s comment. A white-passing minority’s experience with racism is not going to be same as those of someone who is obviously non-white. Being offended or made to feel uncomfortable in a group of white people is no fun, clearly. But being denied a job or a