
I also grew up in Houston and while I have some Southern-ism in my speech ("y'all" being the most obvious) I most definitely do not have a Southern accent. I've found that to be true of pretty much everyone I've ever met who grew up in the big Texas cities as opposed to say, Tyler or Lubbock.

If there's one thing I've learned from tumblr it's that you don't post the video of Benedict Cumberbatch dancing to "Thriller" at that wedding and you don't post the pictures some fan took of Martin Freeman's kids the time they visited the Sherlock set.

I think it must depend on the neighborhood where it's located. The one where I drank away a sizeable chunk of my twenties was clean and well-maintained and was basically a bar after 9pm. Not having classes on Fridays, my friends and I would go on Thursdays early enough to catch the first happy hour, with everyone

Dave & Buster's is the happiest place on Earth. You can't beat that 4-7 half-price happy hour, unless you stop drinking long enough to have dinner from 7-9 and then pick up where you left off during the late night half-price happy hour from 9-11. It's a carnival midway-slash-arcade plus hard liquor, minus clowns.

This is exactly how I feel. I'm also an atheist fan of the show and the more I watched it the more I liked everyone on it, including Phil, and I had begun to hope that even though they were obviously deeply religious, that they were the "live and let live" kind of Christians as opposed to the "have you accepted Jesus

All these pictures have done is confirm my strong belief that bald man should not have sideburns.

Us brown-skin minorities have the monopoly on the brown-eyed, curly brunette combo!

An 1812 doll called "Caroline"? Does she come with an orange dress and a turban?

I used the nice older lady next door as an example because that actually happened to good friend of mine. She and her boyfriend used to live next to this 70-something year old widow and they would mow/landscape her lawn for her, she would watch their dogs when they went away on vacation, she once made my friend

It may very well be the case that this is what they all sound like sans editor. It may also be the case that Phil is bigoted old man who literally lives in the backwoods and gives zero fucks, while his adult children (duck-hunting rednecks though they may be) are suburb-dwelling rich folk who know better than to hold

yourfaveisproblematic is itself problematic. They literally do not know the meaning of irony. They have things listed for Freeman which no one but the willfully obtuse, painfully stupid, or completely humorless could possibly consider to be "problematic". They have statements listed for Stephen Colbert which he has

Well, my take on it is that he didn't make a rape joke at all. He made a joke about making a joke that could be misinterpreted as a rape joke. This seems obvious to me from the hand motion he makes when he says "make them" and then his body language when realizes that he just described roofie-ing someone, and his

I agree. And I think A&E suspending Phil from the show is an appropriate way to show that it is unacceptable to be hateful.

Well, but that's my point. There's never been anything to indicate on the show that they're anti-gay. And apparently this is the first time any of them have ever made these kind of comments in public. I don't think the three brothers on the show, especially the CEO, would ever make flat-out, unapologetically

Well, I am disappointed. Unlike pretty much everyone here, I actually watch the show and I find it both funny and sweet. All the major players on the show, including Phil Robertson, are college-educated, well-spoken, and obviously not stupid (with the notable exception of Uncle Si, who isn't so much "stupid" as he

Knowing that Martin Freeman has gotten into trouble on the internets before due to his extremely deadpan sense of humor (the Lucy Liu "ugly" comment) I reserved judgment until I watched the interview.

The transcript makes his comments seem much worse than they actually are. The line about drugging someone to "make them" - he was clearly referring to the height difference. He even accompanies it with a hand gesture that shows he's talking about "making" someone tall fall down to a lower height. Then he realizes

What you should do instead is suggest to the management that they have a Love, Actually Master Pancake Theater night.

Ditto to everything you've said here. I was also 23 when this movie came out and I went to go see it at the theater fully expecting to love it because Mr. Darcy, Col. Brandon, and my super-crush at the time, Tim Canterbury, were all in it. What a disappointment. The only good thing to come out of this movie is that

I also don't understand all these comments about how the person that the innocent spouse should really be angry at is the cheating spouse. Of-fucking-course you're going to be angry at the cheating spouse. That doesn't mean you can't also be angry at the morally bankrupt skank who thought nothing of carrying on an