
This is the first thing I noticed, too. What a dumbass. Can't even put in a bumpits right.

I moved from Austin to Dallas five years ago (after having lived in Austin for eight years) and I still miss the Drafthouse like crazy. It is a void that will never be filled. The Studio Movie Grill just doesn't compare. :'-(

I saw the ATHF movie in theaters, and this was the only part that I still remember to this day.

You'd be surprised at how "made-up" you can look with just lipstick, blush, and well-groomed eybrows.

Good God, is that her actual singing voice? This is the first time I've heard her sing, and I had imagined that her voice would be overly high and sweet. Instead she sounds like she's doing a parody of Cher. No amount of JGL can save this duet.

And Rick Perry pouncing in frame!

A few years ago they had a bedding/drapes collection with the most beautiful color scheme ever.

He sounds like sociopath. Or a rapist.

How is she akward? She's tall and thin and has a long, graceful neck, clear skin and is smiling widely, even though she's wearing braces. She looks confident and happy. I wish I looked as good now and she does, let alone when I was her age.

I know, right? I love how they always color coordinate when they're at some official public event, but it's always so subtle and understated.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Is there no end to this family's famewhoring? They can certainly memorialize the loss of the pregnancy any way they wish - put the fetus in a jar a display it on their mantle for all I care - but to do so publicly in such a blatant bid for attention is beyond the pale. These people have lost all sense of shame.

Say "pardon" instead.

I finished up Assassin's Creed Revelations over Thanksgiving at my parents' house, on their giant projection television. After witnessing my wanton shanking of every guard I came across, I think my parents are now worried about my potential violent tendencies.

After I played hours and hours and hours of GTA: San Andreas, I couldn't see someone in a purple shirt without flashing back to the game, wherein I would run over with my car every single purple-shirted gang member I came across. It was a little freaky, but I got over it after a couple of days.

Stile Malachite Jinx.

Except we have no evidence that the forced donation fee is being applied to the media, so everyone here could easily be getting up in arms over nothing. And even if it were being applied, it could hardly be considered "paying" for a story 1) because the fee is nominal (maybe not to a dirt poor journalist, but in the

I really do understand your position, and since there is no evidence that the media/press are being asked for the donation, the point is most likely moot. I will only say that if you can sell your pictures for more than $20, it seems silly to me not to pay the fee, get your pictures, and sell them.

Could not agree with you more on both, but especially Gervais. I liked him a whole lot more when he was roly-poly.

The person who is supposed to carefully read the contract is the same person who instructs the Safeway guy and the electricians. If the Safeway guy gets it wrong, could be that he fucked up all on his own. Could also be that the concert promoter didn't read the contract carefully and fucked up the instructions to