Honestly, I'd be even more eager than I already was with getting a Vita if P4 wounds up on it.
Honestly, I'd be even more eager than I already was with getting a Vita if P4 wounds up on it.
I approve of this entirely. <3
Probably one of the few 3DS titles I really do want... everything else is looking very mediocre or below that.
@Kariodude: There was Iris and Signas in the trailer. Both were from Mega Man X.
@TheGMan323: You're not alone. I personally find them to be hideous.
@floobie: This comment. I approve! <3
@Joshua Hupp: Honestly, I'd love to see a match of ragequitters play out.
Please let this be true. Namco x Capcom was all right when I played it many moons ago, but it certainly didn't leave much to talk about.
@Grymmbear: I have the same PS3 model and was disappointed to see that nasty frame rate issue with Up Your Arsenal amongst the other R&C PS2 titles.
@ackthbbft: Okamiden is a sequel for Okami on DS due out sometime next year.
I used to think my backlog was huge, but others have proven how small my backlog is, so... here it is:
I... truly do want this. No, seriously. D:
@brieeyeball: It's... it's such a beautiful story...
I've yet to pick up the first WKC... waiting on a price cut. I might look into this and see if it's worth getting first day.
@Eskintoro: I second the video on Guile's theme.
I'm thinking SVC Chaos on PSP sounds good.
In some ways, I'm happy. I no longer have a Dreamcast and I didn't fancy the GCN port that much, nor do I have access to it anymore.