
Those Ally buckets are awesome, aren’t they? 

Given the Tweet that inspired this article, you also could have named it: Don’t make up things and say your kids said them

But partway into the second season, Sorvino left to escape the rather hectic pace of a series shooting schedule.”

Agreed. For me, I enjoyed 4 more than 3, but it’s a difference in inches. Seasons 3 and 4 each have the same problem, now confirmed as Season 4 is over; they each had self-important slow builds that result in nothing important at all. I just had a little bit more fun with Season 4's characters than 3.

Why did this machine exist, with nothing to set it above—or even apart—from its competitor?”

You lost me immediately at “Pete Davidson has done six seasons on Saturday Night Live, so it’s not especially surprising that he’s getting a shot as the lead of a big-studio movie...”

There’s something human ... in wanting to get mad at people about what they’re doing.

I love this! Reminds me of “Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels” book from the 90s. I used to pour over the details of that bad boy.

Great work. This artist has a great style. I need to get some of these pieces.

Pretty much every children’s cold medicine is garbage.

Just because the sports press insisted on calling them “the cool new Browns” and foolishly pretended this was some kind of Cinderella, comeback story after 10 years of abject failure, doesn’t mean that they were, in fact, “cool” or “new.”

I generally agree with this take now that I’ve had time to digest the season. Hopper is angry and bitter for most of the season and not in a funny “TV way.”

At the time, I remember being really excited for this game because the team that made “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” made it. The Buffy game (the first one, not the second one, “Chaos Bleeds” or some such) had a great fighting engine. I thought it would be great for Star Wars.

You’ve come to the wrong place to have a discussion about this, dude. Their minds are made up. Save yourself the annoyance.

I agree with Charlie. But having said that, apart from that bit, it’s rare for me to read a review or critique that so perfectly captures my feelings on a piece. This is (mostly) spot on.

Remember when Louis CK was the hero of leftists everywhere for making fun of Sarah Palin and her handicapped son? Good times.

He’s too excited that South Park may be making left-wing, socialist arguments to notice.


Did this article crash the page? It says "unavailable" to me. 

I don’t really understand the issue. Mr. Burke acts like Donald Trump invented the “fake news” moniker and concept. Sharyl Atkinson explained where “fake news” came from in a TED talk a month or so ago and it didn’t originate with Donald Trump. In fact, he kind of stole it and subverted it against the very people who