No. Stop. You are making a damn fool of yourself. Strafing involves shooting. You are alive hence you were not strafed.
No. Stop. You are making a damn fool of yourself. Strafing involves shooting. You are alive hence you were not strafed.
Uh, strafe your car?
I don’t think this word means what you think it means.
Dude basically pulled a “NEVAH HOID OF EM”
First, I hate diesel. So don’t get me wrong here, but I think you are leaving out one of the key reasons why diesels can achieve high efficiency and that is because they have high expansion ratios. A lot of the energy in gasoline gets spit out the exhaust because of this. The other thing is that there is more energy…
Am I the only one that simply cannot stand the “hip” female voice on google maps?
Dang man, this was 2 months ago and you are just now replying? I’m guessing I’ll hear back from you again in about 6 months then?
Maybe we should just start writing each other letters. Like old school pen pals.
People get ripped off at car dealerships too. You can get ripped off anywhere. Do you not have clients that get ripped off at car dealerships? I trust a random guy selling a car on the street as much as any car dealer. Actually, in most cases, the guy on the street isn’t a professional shyster whereas the vast…
Well, if you do this stuff regularly, you know the context clues from the outset. You also know where to find the guy that sold it to you, he’s not hiding out. At the end of the day, when you go to the DMV and get the title in your name you are golden. What someone can say after the fact is no different than if you…
What is the scam here? If you are getting the car you paid for, and it’s not stolen property, there is no scam.
I’ve bought a few cars this way because this is pretty much how most of the really cheap ass cars are bought and sold.
I suppose if you are a rich kid and you are unfamiliar with how shit gets done on the…
Aside from the suitcase muffler, yes. It’s the sort of thing you see on race cars. Even has the X crossover.
Having lived in Italy for 3 years, just breaking the law is not enough to see one of these things.
Where I lived, I drove however I wanted and merely saw Polizia Stradale hanging around. 99.999999999% of the time they couldn’t be bothered by your petty traffic violations. It was like heaven.
Also, there is a lambo in…
Harley sticking clutch incident caught on video:
It would be 200 a barrel today. Because we haven’t invested any time into streamlining the process. We’ve had 100 years to streamline the process of drilling, pumping, transporting, and infrastructure-ing for petroleum. And you expect that an alternative will be as cheap overnight?
I guess if a slide rule cost 10…
Clean air is one thing. CARB is another.
The main thing that cleaned up CA air was the clean air act, not CARB. CARB just exists to add a thick layer of bureaucratic, anti-freedom, bullshit to the process.
People like to fear things. 50 years ago most people were afraid of Hell, Satan, and old testament vengeful God. Lots of people would now say that this is superstition that was used to explain the unknown
Nowadays, the whole God fad has waned in popularity and left a power vacuum. That has now been filled by Gaia, who…
Two solutions? We already have thousands of “solutions”. There are literally innumerable ways to make fuel, or rather convert energy. Enroll in General Chemistry at the local community college and you will get a glimpse into this concept.
There are nearly an equal number of different avenues being pursued in this area…
The supply does get constrained, by humans. The actual natural scarcity of petroleum has nothing to do with the price fluctuations caused by humans.
Crude oil producers know exactly what the price should be (which is controlled by production) to maximize profits. If they charge too much, the demand will drop and at a…
This is incorrect. Let’s say I have a 1979 Camaro. This car was only available with a Rochester Q jet carburetor.
If I retrofit a modern fuel injection system on to this car without having an E.O. number, the car is now illegal despite being vastly more efficient and cleaner than the Q jet.
So while it is possible to…
The inspector did what the law compelled him to do. That does not make it right.