I don't imagine I would enjoy drag racing that Gt86 either.
I don't imagine I would enjoy drag racing that Gt86 either.
Ok Sean Hannity
How does one have a sense of "entitlement" by exercising their right of travel utilizing a machine they pay for? There is nowhere in the constitution where this right is excepted by manner of conveyance. And yes, right to travel exists because without it, many other inalienable rights would be impossible to exercise.…
There is nothing libertarian about Somalia. But cool to hear you are still regurgitating nonsense you learned from Bill O'Reilly circa 2005. At this rate, maybe you can progress to thinking for yourself in 20 years.
You already do pay more phallusface. The majority of people that don't want to drive with insurance already don't. Only a sheltered rich boy bitch believes otherwise. The only problem now is that the police get them into a revolving fuckbarrel door where they are paying fine after fine for the rest of their shit…
Right, because the only reason I wouldn't want some government assholes violently FORCING people to do something, is because I'm broke and I don't want to do it.
You don't have a fucking principled bone in your body.
I have insurance. I'd rather buy it on my terms than having some fuck face in government threaten me to…
Are you fucking serious? Who in their right fucking mind thinks that the only way you can be financially held responsible for your actions is through government mandated (through the threat of violence) insurance?
I thought we had a fucking court system or did that shit disappear?
For people that have some fucking…
You're under-thinking and over-assuming this.
You are a fool to conflate me advocating the elimination of government coercion with me advocating a lack of insurance, or discharge of liability.
You are doubly a fool to assume damage in a legal sense only refers to material goods.
The fact that there are literally…
Insurance is not equal to liability. The fact that they were uninsured does not mean they were not liable for damages they caused.
You are a fool to conflate freedom of choice with freedom from liability. The person that hit your mom should be held to account as is anyone who is liable for injuring others in any given…
Well, if I'm in the wrong, I do. The same as if I'm playing baseball and accidentally break your window. Or hit you in the head. I don't have baseball insurance though. What happens if I break your window and I don't want to pay? Well, you can take me to court if you want.
Sort of strange that the government requires…
"Also, dicks not driving with insurance, go fuck yourself. Seriously, you are putting everyone at risk...."
At risk of what?
This list should be mandatory reading for anyone in California driving a modified car, or anything more than a few years old but not old enough to be a "classic" that rich old men drive to car shows.
Yes, 8 year old children need to be watched at all times, or kept indoors! /sarcasm
lol wtf has happened to America
The CLA has more fake vents though.
Classy with a bold touch. A handsome design. I can’t even make out the differences between the Asian competition, but this memorable. The interior also looks fantastic for a car in this segment. I only hope they don’t overly dampen the electronic throttle response as they have in some of their previous sedans.
Haha, that interior looks like it’s from a boat. All it needs is the throttle handle on the center console.
E39 wagons suck. They were probably cool when new, they drive nice, but by now, every one of them is a ticking maintenance time bomb.
I owned one with about 100k on the clock. I couldn't even begin to list the number of things I had to replace on it.
Oh, and if you have servotronic steering, forget about a reman…
I'm sorry but you clearly know nothing about engines or efficiency. Power vs Displacement is not a measure of fuel or fuel efficiency.
That's actually the opposite of how it works. I've found that if you drive an old vehicle you are instantly a target, particularly if it has bad paint. If you have a shiny new bubble car they cops don't mess with you.