I feel so sorry for these people, they don't know the pleasure of watching a cat video, then realising that you just spent 6 hours watching cat videos and you have an exam in 10 minutes.
Oh definitely, but it's that need for team coordination that makes it such a strong experience with friends vs. most other co-op games. I wouldn't ever play it with a random group, unless we had to fill in a single person.
According to your criteria, electric cars have no engines?
I find it to be a "dick move by microsoft to xbox one consumers in the first place of giving them 720p rather than 1080p mostly, apparently.. :/ Besides, the industry lives off saying what you can do on one and not the other. Paying companies to timed DLC exclusives and stuff is much more of a dick move, again against…
It's great. I could look at the UI forever.
Now if you could find a cosplay version of that picture.. @_@
OS-Tans. Man that takes me back.
But soon we can use Vita TV to play persona on our TV no? :) Though graphical I suppose it would/could look better on a PS3 xD
If the site says PS3 then I am believing it!
For me it is about CoD turning into a yearly release with not much changed. Before at least there was quite a difference between releases, but after CoD 4 it has been going downhill
I dont really get excited by AC games anymore.. but if they make on taking place in japan.. ill play the shit out of it@_@
BS... europe better get soul sacrifice soon too :( You guys may think we get the good PS3 offerings, but you win @ Vita. You get discounts on all the best games, and now even get them in PSplus ~_~
The NFL should think about hiring those guys for the Super Bowl half-ti [get expelled by NCAA].
I can't think in what scenario is a good idea to put the fate of the GLOBAL economy in play, in exchange of political concessions. The problem is, you threaten to let the country default on its debt if you don't get what you want, what if you don't get what you want? Are you going to honor your threat and take us all…