Your right. Side-scrolling minecraft, but for me it is a bit more action adventure, and a little less builder-ish. Boss fights, 'rare' loot, etc.
Your right. Side-scrolling minecraft, but for me it is a bit more action adventure, and a little less builder-ish. Boss fights, 'rare' loot, etc.
... iOS.. :(
Fuck you sony :( Bring some of all those damn good vita offers to EU!! First persona 4 and sacrifice at great discount prices, now dead or alive 5, ragnarok odyssey, MGS collection, street fighter x tekken. EU gets discount on formula 1 and shit (not even very good prices)
Lordy lord this sounds good @_@ When I played Rogue Legacy on PC one of my first thoughts was that this would be great on the Vita, and now it is coming :O Also Hotline Miami is very nice on the vita, so looking forward to the next title on it as well. Too bad they didn't announce terraria! But developer pictures are…
Oh my fricking god. Well that settles it once and for all for me, I am getting a PS4! I love red :3 :3 My vita is a sexy red one, now I just need the PS4 itself to be sexy red as well ^-^
I would go with red without a doubt...they both look fantastic. i like that they don't cover the entire controller with a single color. They, better yet, give it a nice pattern. Some may disagree but i like these controllers a lot more than ps3.
Fez and Rogue Legacy? YES YES YES
Rogue legacy seems like the perfect game for Vita
Rogue Legacy is perfect for Vita, great news!
Hmm I actually think they are pretty much exactly like microsoft, if not worse! Remember that EA has won USA's worst company or something 2 years in a row, and now they are doing things that make you change their mind. At least microsoft was rather "quick" to respond
Det er da bare at takke Microsoft. Nu har de ligesom lavet valget for os om hvad konsol vi køber på launch day :D
"includes work to localize the Xbox One dash, incorporate additional voice and languages" No! I don't want it in fucking Swedish, just give me the god damn helvetes jävla console in November!
can i use if i live in denmark? can i even get the anniversary edition here?
The first year or so there were a few weeks with doubles. Hasn't come up recently in the NA version, aside from a separate adding of a split PS3/Vita version.
If your system is currently out of it, or you are gonna buy one in the near future there is always the PS store.
Days of Wonder sure knows how to pick what games to publish. The newest addition to the vast amount of boardgames my family has accumulated is ticket to ride europe, which for the time being has become the favorite and has sidelined the all time family champion, settlers of catan. We even got the game on our iOS…
I definitely got the same sort of feeling from it. Though I kinda knew they weren't just going to completely off him, in the back of my mind, to some degree, just because of the foreshadowing of weird stuff happening to him earlier on. I'm still on board with the show, it just kinda moved from being more of a strict…
Oh, Catan. Simple, sometimes frustrating—but in a way—always rewarding. It's almost always about building trade alliances with friends, though we're all going for the win. Love that game.
If they were Jamaican they might say it properly.