
Featured in Sports Illustrated..? Even a photo shoot in only body paint. I mean, to each their own taste, but logic dictates you don’t get those opportunities unless their is a market for it?

I had no idea Mads Mikkelsen had become this much of an international star <3 (based on all the excited feedback!). But then again, thinking about what he has been/will be in, it really shouldn’t be surprising!

I don’t think so. He said that he won’t come back to F1. Also the reason he stated was that he has not been able to be there as a father and husband, which he now can. I also think he is pretty darn rich already, so he ain’t dependent on it. But.. main reason could also be to get away from Lewis and Co. Who knows..

Wow they nailed ‘futuristic space communism’ pretty darn well

Well first of all, FF7 is almost 20 years old. So I think there are plenty of young adults who are not nostalgic about FF7 necessarily. Also I think they know that they already pander to the nostalgic/older crowd by making a remake to begin with, and as such they can get away with redoing stuff to get the younger

Well if you know why they are booing him then you also know that it is not because:

You think they are booing him for voting? xD

I agree, and I’m not saying that there aren’t a whole bunch of young people who would enjoy it. But I am saying that there are most likely even more who wouldn’t. Big business makes their investment decisions towards where they can make the most money D:

Where’s the NSFW tag? My purity, ruined

True, though that is in the eye of the beholder. If you give the game to kids today who only know of the newest releases, then a lot of them would probably find it boring or what not. I think these companies are afraid to make an investment into a remake that only caters to the nostalgic buyers, and as such want to

I don’t talk about credit/debit card though. A lot of the convenience stores take IC cards like suica. Or maybe I just happened to go to the few stores that had it when I lived there :)

In a nutshell, this is the same reasoning by Square-Enix to change mechanics in the FF7 remake

Tbh Japan has been ahead for years in regards to implementing the IC cards/NFC as a payment method for multiple things. Only in recent years have similar stuff been enabled in Denmark. A similar contact-less public transportation card first introduced in the capital in 2010- with many problems to follow. And since

I followed your link@ Philadelphia 76ers and its acquisition of Team Liquid. and it states that 76ers bought and merged the eSports teams Dignitas and Apex. Did a search and it seems that it is Golden State Warriors who purchased a controlling stake in Team Liquid

I had a nunchuck+mouse controller for PS3 (Splitfish FragFX) and as predominantly PC gamer it definitely felt more comfortable. There was one problem though. Since the mouse made its output to software expecting it to be an analogue stick, FPS games could often feel a bit wonky (which took some additional getting used

Thanks for the advice; unfortunately I already tried that and a bunch of other things that people proposed in the linked thread. A lot of people think these tweaks helps because the game runs for an hour or two, but for most they come back to report they end up getting the crash after all.

This is great and all, but I do wish they would put some of those resources towards fixing the DirectX bug that makes seemingly random crashes occur very often.

Sitting on a 680 that still gets the job done (albeit not on ultra, etc.). Really liking the choices available so far for when I need to upgrade. Probably gonna get a 1070

It’s the opposite for me. I always think that I will get bored playing it. Then I end up with 300+ hours for every installment

As a Dane living fairly close to this building, I must say I did not expect to see it on Kotaku of all things xD