
There are plenty of pro players/twitch streamers who have gone on to create new accounts and reach legend with it (without spending money/f2p). Though that usually results in budget aggro hunter or paladin decks. Still.. proof that you don’t need to spend money on winning.

Sudden urge to be defiant rises; though not sure how well I can sport heels <.<

Join the dark side and become an apprentice of the Sith Lord, Ad Blockious

This is so awesome; I love when people just sing for their enjoyment and the people around feel the same way - karaoke <3 <3

Yea I think it would work if it was truly integrated in the game. So you could say “play card 1” to automatically play the first card. “end turn”, etc. It would be more complicated commands for playing a minion a specific place on the board or when choosing minions with battlecries though

No..? Another option is for them to not do episodic releases, wait until they finished everything, and then release that? For some reason it sounds like they must release something ASAP, so it is either episodes or content getting cut??

Just beautiful. Brings back memories of when I was abroad; my uni took us out on a 3 day international camp in which the view was basically like this picture

Kinda reminds me of Aaron Hernandez; way to fuck up your superstar career

How did you get validation and pat on back from that? He just doesn’t want undeserved prejudice and accusations thrown around. And when did we get to a state of minority report?

I must have missed the phrase in which OP stated he was travelling with more than just his wife. But even for 3 people, that it still quite a chunk of money. I have been there three times, for about 7 months total. Firstly I’ll admit that it very much depends on how long you are staying there obviously. But expenses

Clearly out of sync, prepare to be expelled kid. YOUR FUTURE IS RUINED

10k$ for a trip to Japan? What exactly are you planning to do there O.O? I assume sleeping on diamond covered futons among other things

I guess it could be, but since it is so humanoid in a lot of other aspects when it comes to body, limbs and muscles, that would seem a bit weird (at least in regards to Machoke :P)

Hmm but on the first picture you can see a clear outlining of some muscles on his leg, which sudden stops showing as soon as it gets to the “not clothes” part? If it is just part of his marks and what not, shouldn’t those lines be showing??

Pretty much exactly these cat paws and ears were my lazy halloween costume when I was studying abroad in Japan =^.^=


I kinda like this. Makes coordinating what games to buy easier in regards to friends

I remember when the PS3 were launching are it was possible to reserve your username .. I got Nekolas which I am quite happy about :)

Did you play the beta? Because I felt like the Hoth gamemode was quite dependent on team work in order to succeed (at least as rebels). While I agree that the other team-death match like gamemode was reminiscent of the “quick-frag” CoD style. Luckily DICE made 9 (was it?) gamemodes, so there should be something for