
Don’t know if someone else already answered this but~ one of the things I like about watching movie in Gear VR is that it can simulate a theater experience. Also because the screen(s) is so close to your face, it feels like you are watching at a theater-like sized screen (guess most important if you don’t own a huge

Ya I know what you mean. Nowadays though, some of these great board games have digital versions with online play (Ticket to ride app is pretty great for example). While it is not the same experience as sitting around and table with great banter and actual board and pieces, it is an option to play ze games

Ya I know what you mean. Nowadays though, some of these great board games have digital versions with online play

It is quite good. My family is not that strategically inclined when it comes to board games, yet they have become quite obsessed with Catan. It is relatively easy going in regards to complexity (though expansions adds more in this regard), and has it fair share of RNG (starting position and that dice determine

It is quite good. My family is not that strategically inclined when it comes to board games, yet they have become

Because Cid has become known to be involved in the main transportation vehicle used in the games? :3 In this one it happens to be a car, so Cid~car mechanic

But according to Hajime Tabata, he’s thinking of offering the extra language tracks via download.

I stumbled into the fight not knowing anything about it whatsoever, I used my non-lethal sniper I had with me; I believe I was 4 for 4 shots and she was downed. I was surprised how easy the fight was o.o

You are probably right.. Still though, I think a lot of people here seems to be underestimating their capabilities. I mean, to doubt the chances that a country with a space program would be able to design a carrier..

Difference between an issue here and there and one lasting almost a whole half? 4Head. Also issue happens to go “on and off” depending on when officials goes to pats bench? And honestly, issues with comms. at pats home field have apparently been persistant through a decade, so maybe get it fixed already? But when you

Unless god is a pats fan..

For someone who wants to talk about facts, I sure would like some references

keyboard support

Now playing

Here you go :) It is in the end of the japanese version (second part of the video)

Now playing

Maybe you watched the dub? Apparently some frames are dropped from the dub version, in which you see the driver up close, with the lower part of his face shown. The way CC says “right, lelouch?” (or something similar) and then the cut to a face that looks like lelouch, and the sound he makes also resembling lelouch :)

Code geass is definitely one of my favorite animes. One of the reasons being that it shares similarities with death note - the hero becomes anti-hero (though redeemed). SPOILER ALERT; I was a bit surprised that you didn’t share what happens in the very last scene (or I’m very blind) - when a wagon is being driven on

Seriously? To me it looks like the enterprise flying, and the beaked monster snaps at it - I’m surprised this fellatio story is a thing o.o

Because it is not by any means uncommon for kotaku to be posting web comics? And do you know how it is to try and make a web comic popular? When a web page like kotaku, who has a large following, wants to put a single ‘issue’ of your comic on it, that is an opportunity.. Kotaku gains the initial ad revenue from people

The fact that they are linking to the creator indicates clearly no intention to “steal” the content! Besides, (repeating) creating more readers for the creators through publicity can be considered an exchange of commodities (using 1 comic for ad rev = new readers ad rev). It’s business

No, the only reason I said agree to disagree because we disagree on the subject? Stop acting like you are ultimate right on this.. I say it isn’t stealing, because you are implying they are taking without permission. Since the author is not asking kotaku to take down the article, it means they do not mind them making

I disagree, because kotaku somewhat provides a service of marketing. Their pay is the ad revenue. But you disagree with that because it is not done ‘officially’? Also ‘stealing content’ is a pretty strong term to use in this context. Anyway, let’s agree to disagree I suppose