
FFVIII, was playing during the night - T-rex encounters, bad time to fall asleep. Woke up shortly after to being game over, as my brother was like "wtf are you doing??"

Now playing

They are already 'considering' that; they (Samsung) made a proof of concept vid back in their 2013 keynote at CES. (it is a bit tacky in regards to the guy on the left - but the product concepts themselves are nice). The last one (about 1:40 in) I think is similar to what you are describing :)

And people say that Samsung's move into handheld curved screen consumer products are useless! Cosplayers will show them wrong; when a little bit more appropriate product is released :D Won't be too long though I think ~~ Galaxy S6 is supposedly getting a -curved in both left and right side- release version

I'm sold. Kiki = favorite gibli movie :O

Hmm so it is not progress that there are 3 levels of improvement for every skill/weapon/perk? And that you have to play and use that specific character to progress to the next ranks of those improvements? I know it's not a dang RPG, but arena based competitive games seldom are supposed to be so.. I am happy with the

Not really. Why are FPS' like CS or CoD (multiplayer online) or MOBAs some of the most played stuff? They surely are repetitive? So lotsa room for Evolve to be succesful too :D There is even more progress in it too with the unlocks

I love being the wraith so I may or may not be biased :3 But I have also beaten the wraith as hunter before.. I think people have problems with it because they employ the tactics they use on succesfully on other monsters D:

You must be new to Kotaku? They relatively often bring follow up articles to games that are newly released and "hot" in the community. Even more so if some of the authors themselves are passionate about said game I dare assume. As a bystander your claim/insinuation seems a bit far-fetched, and you should be glad that

I'm enjoying it. For me you can feel the difference between the classes, and to some extent the characters within a certain class too. So if I start getting a little bored from playing one thing, I just go ahead and queue up for one of the others. Also there is the various game modes, though it's mostly hunt in

Have they publicly said that there will be hunter and monster DLC at 7.50 and 15 dollars?

Yea I see, and it's good that there is an uproar. It just seems that many other games do similar stuff nowadays, without getting the massive negative response that Evolve got :P So I just thought something special/different had happended to create all the fuss. Or maybe people actually looked forward to the game and

I don't get where all this negativity comes from - I missed out on that wave of news that created the hate :P Seems DLC is the main reason? DLC stuff is annoying, but I found a preorder that was quite cheap and had some of that 'day one DLC'. That aside, I am enjoying the game quite a bit. The unlock system gives the

It's a valid point though.. Same resolution on small vs big screen, and specially with the relatively small resolution that the 3DS systems have, will make it seem.. I don't want to say pixelated, but like Stephen says, "stretched out" in comparison. Don't know if it's fair to call that a hallucination, but going from

Or just the fact that the guy is paragon level 493 xD But ya it would seem the author had another meaning they wanted to convey, not the greatest way to word it

5'6"? fixed

I'm sad to say that of all those listed, I'm only watching Psycho-pass so far (and only about 10 episodes in :c ). But with that said, Psycho-pass is quite a good anime. It starts out a little bit slow, but it is kinda necessary for character introduction and setting the 'mood' I suppose! Pleasantly surprised anyway,

I love how his show often has the guest participate in some fun stuff, be it games, parodies, musically, etc. Instead of the "last era" of how to do talk show stuff, where the guest will just sit on the couch and talk a little bit back and forth. I mean thats to some extend oKAY, it just becomes a bit lackluster -

Honestly, considering the engine they are using/style of character models, it's actually quite impressive how much they look like the characters from the tv show. I think most of them looks quite good, except for Margaery. It's still good, but something about it is off D: